
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Lotuschef in Conversation - 三角形 Triangle

Green Elixir exuding endlessly in sharing Immeasurable Dharma Treasures with all.


Listen to the above and then relate to the Kalachakra Event in Sydney, October 2010.

Guru talks about the Pyramids Visualization.

I shared my own visualization too.

Fold both hands on top your head forming a [Triangle] or Prism - both elbows and Heart Chakra as the 3 points.

Fold both legs in lotus position, forming yet another [Triangle] or Prism - bothe knees and Heart Chakra as the 3 points.

I visualized the sharp points of the prism touching each other and as Guru said, a RED  seed syllable "AH", moves from the lower prism to the higher one, linking the 2 prisms.

Guru said in the above speech that Triangles are Important!!!

Cheers all.


Happy Cultivating!


Pure Karma

Lama Lotuschef

True Buddha School


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