
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Lotuschef at Play - 菩提 Bodhi

Bodhi 菩提(Sanskrit: बोधि; and Pali) in Buddhism is the understanding possessed by a Buddha regarding the nature of things. It is traditionally translated into English with the word enlightenment and literally means awakened. Bodhi is knowledge into the causal mechanism by which beings incarnate into material form and experience suffering.

You will need to draw upon Prajna from this gold mani stone at the end of this journey. Enjoy yourself and let's begin......

This is from 6th Zen Patriarch, Hui Neng.


This one below is from 5th Patriarch's eldest student, Shen Xiu.


Keep these in mind for now.


Excerpts under Dharma Eye.

Here is a story about two famous verses in Zen Buddhism:

The Fifth Patriarch in the Tang Dynasty of China once asked his disciples to write a verse to present their understanding of Buddhism. The head monk Shen Hsiu presented one as follows:

The body is a wisdom tree,
The mind a standing mirror bright.
At all times diligently wipe it,
and let no dust alight.

The Fifth Patriarch commented that Shen Hsiu had only arrived at the gate and had not entered the hall.

A layman called Hui Neng was also in the monastery. Although he had not yet received instruction from the Fifth Patriarch, he was nevertheless a highly gifted person. When Hui Neng heard the verse, he disagreed with Shen Hsiu and said, “I have one also.” He submitted this verse:

Wisdom is no tree,
Nor a standing mirror bright.
Since all is empty,
Where comes the dust to alight?

1. Now, with what kind of eye did Shen Hsiu present his verse?

2. With what kind of eye did Hui Neng disagree with Shen Hsiu and present his own verse?

3. And why, after he had become Sixth Patriarch would he use the one with which he had disagreed before? What kind of eye was the Sixth Patriarch employing now?

The above are questions posted by the speaker.

Hahaha! I would like to hear from readers as to how you would answer these questions after reading the 5 eyes and armed with Buddha Dharma as well.

Cheers all. Looking forward to hear from all readers. :)


Pure Karma

Lama Lotuschef

True Buddha School

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