
Monday, June 11, 2012

Mani Stones 摩尼宝珠

This is dedicated to Lotus Nino and all Diligent Cultivators. Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom!

I have to stress again that the following is my own techniques of cultivation resulting from Guru’s sharing and my knowledge of Buddha Dharma.

It is for information only and if you want to use them, please do so at your own risk, as cultivation needs to build proper foundation and one gradually move along the cultivation path with Bodhicitta and Prajna.

The Sun – nature – Yang 阳.
The Moon – nature – Yin 阴.
These are Mani stones.

How to use them?

Cultivate early in the morning when they sun is about to rise. Time Samadhi with the appearance of the Sun or later, so that you can see the light and feel the warmth gradually engulfing you, giving you light and warmth. As if being hug by the Universe.

You “breathe” in the warmth and the light.

For those that are extremely Yin, and always see spirits or disturb by them, these is very good remedy.

Or just chant Guru’s mantra and enjoy the Universal Hug.

Please don’t overdo and get Sun-burnt!

Once your system memorised this light and warmth, you can then draw upon it any time when you are feeling cold or even lonely. :)

Same method with the Moon. This one, you feel cool and light hugs you. Just visualize you are Guru and relaxing in wonderful nature.

You can draw upon it when you are too ‘Hot’, angry; agitated; feel hurt and betrayed….. The Universe is with you and nothing matters! :)

Doing the 9 steps breathing with both is good too!

You need these?

Yes! When you need to cultivate inner tantra, you need to know the feel of warmth and cool comfort.

You also need them when doing fire puja, visualizing merging with a cool blue flame.
Now take good care of your health as you need a healthy body to cultivate well.

Will share more on the usage of Mani Stones, when they surfaces in my mind.

Hehe! they have gone into hiding as I am familiar with usage and do not bring them up as often now.

:) Happy Cultivating!

Pure Karma
Lama Lotuschef
True Buddha School

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