
Monday, June 11, 2012

[11-06-2012] Lotuschef in Conversation – Living with your Lies

On 25 Jan 2009, a group of fellow students and myself attended a cultivation session at a local temple, welcoming in the Fortune deities.
During that session’s Samadhi,  I saw greenish gold or bronze colored semi-circles over lapping each other and they filled my vision. Hahaha! The leader of the session said he saw a golden dragon!
Wow! what a large dragon though! As I saw the body only, Dragon’s scales and it filled my vision.
Really up close and personal! These are Immeasurable proportions!
After the session, G; R; C went with me to do a Live Animals Release with little & medium frogs we bought a day before New Year’s eve.
It was about 1:30am. Hehe! :)
We have no Sadhana and I lead them with what I can remember from the one I attended by Reverend Lian Jing from Panama a month ago. I am 5 months old in True Buddha School!
After that, Guru somehow pointed to one that leads cultivation at a temple every Thursday. Lotus MS told me he would do Live Animals release on his birthday and also that of Guru’s and other Deities when time permits.
I invited him to lead cultivation the next session. The numbers of participants increased from the planned 14 to 43!
He was unable to attend the one for Guru’s birthday that year because of work load, so he gave me the printed Sadhana. I invited the Monk, who is the one behind the scene with Lotus JY and told B that I have “powers” to lead us for that session.
After that, Monk asked me to cooperate with him and do the Live Animals Release on a regular basis. I agreed and draw upon my friends and fellow students to participate.
I also suggested that we do True Buddha Repentance after the Live Animal Release to help all those beings repent sincerely and let them go to Pureland in Purity.
This Monk is not musical and often sang off key. :) Not kidding! Once when he forgotten how to sing a certain part of a small verse, we were stuck for more than half an hour. Monk and the rest went to seek help from Fairies and Dakinis reputed to be musical. As a new student, I really don’t know who is who!
Well, sitting there looking around, my gaze came directly upon Guru’s statue. I laughingly beg Guru, saying please teach me, as we have the Repentance session in about half an hour’s time and I am very hungry and need dinner.
Hehe! I got it! After sharing how to sing that part of the verse, I rushed off to fill my empty stomach!
Monk and the rest forgotten about Root Guru being the priority in Tantrayana!
By this time, I have shared with Monk about using the Dorje to draw a HOM in the sky and beam light with it on all beings from air, sea and land. He said cannot use or Central will kill him!
However, he showed a group of students in my presence how to do the same!
O! Monk claimed credits for Live Animal Release and True Buddha Repentance projects! When I submitted bilingual articles to publishing units, they just disappeared forever! I later got to know that Monk is incharge!
Of course, if I tell my story, then he will be exposed!
I got to know that Monk claimed credits for these projects from fellow students about a year later. It seems Monk claimed credits not only for promotion but also recorded in weekly papers too!
The ones that started Live Animals Release with me, R & C, read the article and found an opportunity to tell me.
Monk forgets that most of them that attended the activities with me, know that I was the one that initialized and support this activities.
It is really penalty enough to live with lies like that for the rest of one’s life, agree?
Thanks to Monk, Guru found some one to help me set up Google blogspot to share Buddha Dharma from my perspectives and to reach out to those that write in for help as well.
Something good resulted from Monk’s oppression too.
Like Buddha Dharma, channels of sharing it,  is Immeasurable too!
A student said to me last evening: Is Monk trying to shut you down and stop you from writing? He alleged you are Misleading and sharing all the wrong stuff! Also association with Mara!
Hahaha! This blog is a private funded one and independent of any authority.
I urge all to read with an Open Mind too! If I am sharing anything you do not like, you can comment freely and we can have a good discussion session and learn from each other.
O! Monk is the star in some articles of mine too!
Remember Tainted Food?
The one about forcing people to conform? Sounds familiar? :)
Telling me he is promoted and do not let others have his email as he is no ordinary fellow student now?
Telling others that I do not obey him? Interesting character?
All the while facing me with a smiling façade!
I said to Lotus Nino: If one out of the hundreds of people reading my blog benefits daily, learning something useful; becoming more happy; cultivating with more understanding; …. that’s is enough.
Most forget that there is Guru, a Living Buddha, to ensure we stay on the Bodhi Path. Hahaha! :)
Well, he is out of a place and people to lord over for almost 2 years now. Just hope Guru’s blessing can help him be more caring of others! Also to stop lying and steals other’s projects.
As too many know of these, it is really pointless to lie any more!
Guru said there will be many Living Buddha surfacing in True Buddha School, let us wish Monk all the best!
Becoming a True Buddha, one has overcome all hindrances and paid back all karmic negatives to attain the Original Purity of Nature, and also cultivated successfully as well.
No more craving for position, power, fame, adulation, victory …… How wonderful!!!
Happy Cultivating!
Pure Karma
Lama Lotuschef
True Buddha School

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