Friday, August 18, 2017

Bodhicitta 菩提心

One of the above tub of offering is Pure Karma's standard one for all Homeless spirits and deities.

Before I try to answer the assignment again, let me apologise.
I really need to 忏悔....[repent]
How can I not use 菩萨的慈悲心 [Boddhicitta of Boddhisattva ] to think about BB's email.
From the beginning of the email, 我已经丑化 [ I have already made ugly] BB.
Sigh....really need to 忏悔 to GM, Fashi n BB.

Oops! you forget that Repentance is knowing what you did wrong and Vow never to repeat!
You do not need to say sorry to GM, Me & BB!
When you really don't repeat then your Repentance is Successful!
Nothing to do with GM, Me & BB lol! :)

Hahaha! YES! 
Whatever you choose to do or think or spread around or instigate, its all your very own KARMA and recorded into your individual account only! 

TO START: when you take refuge, the refuge vows has Bodhicitta as a major component but most are unaware of this.

Why cultivate at all if you do not learn the Buddha's way or the Buddha's heart/mind?

You created a Lotuschef from your own heart's demon and negate everything shared by her?

Other than GM Lu, who else in TBS shares authentic Buddha Dharma and Tantra Cultivation from EXPERIENCES?

I have been chanting Guru's and Jin-mu's mantra, one after the other continuously these past weeks. Very effective to "Blank out" or achieve the very much craved [No thought]! 

Perhaps you should try as well!

Don't wast your time trying to detriment anyone with the mindset of advancing SELF.
This SELF as per GM Lu is illusionary or [just a dream]!

With Metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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