
Sunday, November 5, 2017

自欺 Delude Self

BB: like the AY shijie, kept saying her problem is still can't visualise
: from June till oct, she expects to master visualisation???
: fixation
: like the AR said visualisation is a must as he heard
AA: maybe AY needs to practise drawing the yidam image 😄😄
: but it's true hor, even FX told me that he couldn't focus
: another friend in graduate school said that performing visualisation of a certain task for several mins had given him headache
BB: their karmic interferences
AA: even people of higher education also face this problem
BB: I have always been able to do mental calculations n picture things in 3D lol.
: its also something one brings back from previous lifetimes
: i taught her to look at GM's picture n chant mantra, just focus. n she can also think she is looking at a mirror n the reflection in the mirror is herself
AA: yes
: Just met HY and that RD
: Whom you saw the numbers in him
: This guy talked about spiritual experiences
: Yet he forced me to get married next year and wanted to see my girlfriend(s) in my phone and he wanted to choose one for me
: What a weird guy 😄

BB: he thinks he got spiritual powers
THINK: Its me that can see into his mind! Not the other way round. So who has the "power" to read mind?

RD, attended on of Pure Karma's Homa session. 
While helping him to send offering "upwards" to all divinities, I "scanned" him.
I customarily does "scanning" so as to gauge how much this individual needs cleansing! :)

I saw numbers in his mind!
Hahaha! Not kidding!
These numbers are lighted up.

I asked RD and he confirmed the numbers he was thinking about are what I sighted.

Dear all,
do not delude yourself if you think that you have spiritual powers when someone else can "read" or "see into" your mind!

Spiritual experiences are mostly fabrication of your own mind.
You are in dire danger of getting involved or falling prey to Religious Cheats like the XXs in TBS!

Same thing with Visualisation!
Recently, a fellow student told me she is troubled because she still can't do Visualisation at all during cultivation.
I taught her how about 4 months ago, and she expects to be able to do visualisation well by now! 

There is NO speedy route to successful Visualisation if you are full of Fixation about what you should yield from Cultivation!

Do you know why you are "ADVISED" to visualise in the first place?
If you can answer this question, YOU at least have some inkling of how to begin cultivation!

How can you ever cultivate successfully if you don't know what you are doing in each step of the Sadhana?

With metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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