
Friday, November 3, 2017

Misled 误导?

【TBSN最新】2014年1月18日蓮生活佛 盧勝彥主持「準提佛母護摩法會」開示大圓滿口訣--口清淨
【釋蓮店上師 南投報導】

一、 行者觀想心際蓮花開放,內立有一藍色的「吽」字(ཧཱུྃ),此時行者口輕聲唸「吽、吽、吽…」,觀想藍吽字從右鼻孔出,藍吽字由小變大,藍吽字變多,佈滿房子的牆壁四周、家人身上,再向外推展至整個山河大地…,甚至整個地球,全部佈滿藍色吽字。

The writer of this article is not doing a Truthful reporting of SZ's speech, agree?

Purification as per SZ is to Cleanse or Purify [Body Speech & Mind]!
The writer wrote as purification of the Mouth/Speech only!

Just like SZ always stressed on 3 main factors of Cultivation being [ Mudra - Body; Mantra - Speech; Visualization - Mind]. So meticulously doing all 3 will Cleanse One to cultivate!

I remember the day of my maiden Dharma Speech, 7 November 2009, in Seattle, SZ talks about Interpretation and Translation and their varying degree of Accuracy.
However, this is not TRANSLATION!

Doing an honest and accurate summary of SZ's speech in Chinese, the language that SZ uses, does not require Translation skills, as it is same language!
SZ said before that when you have not attain Buddhahood, don't give your opinion or advice. As you will misdirect or mislead others, resulting in worsening matters!

That is Don't Know, Don't Act/Pretend to Know!

Dear all, now understand why I stress to all TO LISTEN TO ONE'S ROOT GURU ONLY, & NO ONE ELSE!
The writer of the summary of GM Lu's speech is obviously not a True Yogi and do not have full grasp of what GM Lu shares!
My humble view?
The sentient mindset of bringing the writer to the Limelight, resulted in her being given the task of writing summary or brief for GM Lu's speeches.
Have anyone notice that those "In Admin's Favour" were given the task of writing briefs for GM Lu's speeches?
Go check out the ones for GM Lu's UK visit!
To justify their presence and privileges to a Full expenses paid trip, these favourites were given writing assignments!

The above, LD, the alleged partner of LN, the successor, in alleged scandals, came to "fame" because of her being a White Padmakumara, or White lotus-child!
But most forgot GM Lu said that even if you are reincarnation of Divinity, you must first cultivate to "link-back"!

To be Divine: Enlightenment and Executing Enlightenment are main requisites!

If you are one that read and "swallowed" what these briefs' writers FED you, then you are being MISLED and directed far away from your Root Guru!

You have to put diligence into listening and deciphering what your Root Guru shares and not rely on those that have yet to attain Guru Yoga! 

We see, even the Successor is ousted from the chairman post in Admin which he pronounced in a published statement is His permanently!

Do remember : GM Lu said that those after "territories" are FAKES!
The Mindset of staying permanently as the Chairperson is sadly a sentient minded and frivolous sentiment, which definitely not from an authentic or truly enlightened being!

Remember too that GM Lu said: Don't have means don't have!
One can't fake attainment of Guru Yoga or Enlightenment! 

Anyone remember the speech given by LN during the event organised by Fuyou chapter few years ago?
And the speech given by GM Lu after that?

Bear in Mind that do not crave for and force the Guru's hand for anything the Guru is not ready to bestow upon you!

Its like stealing food that you can't digest, but cause you much discomforts and may even be LETHAL!

If you think to retard or hinder any True Yogi or Diligent Cultivator, don't even start to waste your time and efforts! 
Have you Terminated ME?
Look at those that you think you have successfully terminated or removed!
Am I like anyone of them in any way?

Wake up!
Do sincere Repentance and save yourself!

Dear all, 
we should give thanks to all that acted out the "cons", so we can cultivate the "pros"!

With Metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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