
Monday, November 23, 2015

气脉明点 Qi Meridian Bindu [1]

  • 九乘佛法次第 [2]
    • The stages of 9 Yanas Buddha Dharma

    为什么要“修”?How to cultivate?

    凡夫从未穿透过遮蔽Blocked 自性的迷惑,见到并确认自性 Self nature本体,这遮障迷惑总称为“无明” - Ignorance。
    无明并不只是此生所积,试捡验自心一天内有多少五毒 5 Poisons情绪妄念,多少静 Silent 定 Still 光明 Bright 善念 Kind thought,可知一天、一生、无始以来多生多世积了多少业障Sins 习性 Habits。

      怎么办呢?What to do?

    Fortunately, sins though deeply heavy, but without actual substance, if use relevant Buddha Dharma to purify, then by placing the butter of ignorance under the scotching sun of Self Nature Wisdom, will quickly melt.

    为因应众生根器的不同,佛教出 “三瑜珈” 的方便法,以对症下药,净化无明。
    As Sentient beings' individual potential differs, Buddhism has convenient method or dharma of [3 Yogas], as medicine to treat relevant condition, purifying ignorance.

    Just like using wind of "yoga", Blowing away dark clouds of "ignorance", enabling "self nature" fine sky to appear.

    From 'external tantra' to 'internal tantra',  from 'utpattikrama' to 'mahasandhi', straight forward entry from these, if Potential has Mutual responsive linkup, then will have rapid success or attainment.

    What is 'utpattikrama', rounded perfection,  'mahasandhi'?

    utpattikrama - purify external form of confusion and fixation,

    rounded perfection - purify internal constraints from sinful deeds, emotions, qi and meridians,

    mahasandhi - form of no birth or non-arising, realising True Form of "Self nature is inherently pure".

      大瑜珈(Maha Yoga、生起次第、新译派称 “父续”)
    Maha yoga, utpattikrama, latest sector termed as 'paternal link' - 
    also Maha Yoga Tantra 大瑜伽怛特罗

    In simple words, sentient beings are ignorant of the truth of external forms or surroundings, selecting these changing forms thus giving birth to internal suffering, cannot break away, in order to deal with these erroneous perception for external forms, cultivate Maha Yoga's Principal Yidam Yoga, that is commonly known to most, Tantrayana adhere to certain Yidam's sadhana, cultivate visualisation, form mudra, chant mantra... merging or have mutual responsive link-up with Yidam's 3 Secrets/Tantra (Body Speech Mind), method.

    主要在 “都摄六根,净念相继”,Mainly to absorb or assimilate 6 roots, maintain pure mind, 

    “以净相代妄相,以入实相”,replace imaginary form with pure form, to enter true form,

    明白“即心即佛,即身即佛”,Understand the heart is the Buddha, the body is the Buddha, 

    Not only have the blessing empowerment from external Yidam, also revealed own's nature yidam, use double dose and cultivate to success will attain transformation body or form.


      所谓 “生起次第” utpattikrama 或 “本尊瑜珈” yidam yoga,依有缘选修的某一位佛菩萨 yidam of one's choice(注:密宗称“本尊”),
    初由灌顶传法而明白自性、Start from dharma abhiseka to understand self nature,
    外相的体性本来清净,external form's nature is inherently pure,
    修持上见 “色性本净、声性本净、意性本净”的实相
    in cultivation, view true form - nature of physical form, sound, mind or will are all inherently pure,

    Perceiving self and sentient beings as yidam Buddha, external place as pureland, sound as mantra sound, mind or thought as self nature to be use.





      无比瑜珈(Anu Yoga、圆满次第、新译派称“母续” - maternal link,又称“随顺瑜珈”或“随瑜珈”)- Also Yogini Tantra 瑜伽母怛特罗

    [随 follow 顺 yield or obey]

      简而言之,众生即使知道 “即心即佛” 的道理,但身上生出烦恼情绪的气脉若未得调伏,虽理上有所领悟,但事证上却不易得力,为净化体内情绪气脉及其引出的烦恼妄念,修“圆满次第” 气、脉、明点
    Simply said, sentient being even knowing the truth of "Is heart is Buddha", but the suffering or troublesome thoughts and emotions that arise from own body's qi and meridian if not settled or smoothen out, although realised in theory, but yet to realised the strength from practice affirmation, thus to purify body's internal emotional qi and meridian and those suffering and unwholesome thoughts which result, cultivate Rounded perfection stage - qi meridian bindu.

    Success in cultivation will attain Sambhogakaya.

      Cultivate Maha Yoga from separating False or imaginary, adhere to visualisation thus named, focusing on great wide external view.

    But cultivate Anu Yoga, focus on internal view of body-shrine, cultivator own self inherent Qi Meridian Bindu, all requisites for attainment within own body, cultivate only to bring to Perfection.

    Enabling Qi to circulate well, attain 'Void';

    meridian adjust to tender, transparent, attain 'Joy' or "Bliss';

    Bindu purify ascent to as lotus, attain 'brightness'.

    Qi enter central meridian, heart and qi non-dual, openly reveal true wisdom of leaving thougths
    (Note: that is enabling those blockages in each meridian chakra that have ability to give birth to unwholesome thoughts and emotions, all transform into wise bright Qi, enabling pure light of self nature to leave shade and be openly revealed.

    With successful cultivation, not only comprehend heart and nature and realised 'form', heart can drive Qi properties to mutual changes for use, giving birth to Transcendental communication and unique "USE".

      无上瑜珈(Ati Yoga、大圆满次第、新译派称“无二续”,又称“极瑜珈”。)
      修大圆满 “立断入本净(藏音“彻却” Trekchö -khregs chod)”、
    “顿超任运(藏音“脱嘎” Tögal -thod rgal )”。




    待续 ..... to be cont'd...


The practice of Trekchö (khregs chod), "cutting through solidity", reflects the earliest developments of Dzogchen, with its admonition against practice. 
In this practice one first identifies, and then sustains recognition of, one's own innately pure, empty awareness. 
Students receive pointing-out instruction (sems khrid, ngos sprod) in which a teacher introduces the student to the nature of his or her mind.

According to Tsoknyi Rinpoche, these instructions are received after the preliminary practices, though there's also a tradition to give then before the preliminary practices.

Jigme Lingpa divides the trekchö practice into ordinary and extraordinary instructions.

The ordinary section comprises the rejection of the all is mind - mind is emptyapproach, which is a conceptual establishment of emptiness. 

Jigme Lingpa's extraordinary instructions give the instructions on the breakthrough proper, which consist of the setting out of the view (lta ba), the doubts and errors that may occur in practice, and some general instructions thematized as "the four ways of being at leisure" (cog bzhag). 

The "setting out of the view" tries to point the reader toward a direct recognition of rigpa, insisting upon the immanence of rigpa, and dismissive of meditation and effort.). 
Insight leads to nyamshag, "being present in the state of clarity and emptiness".

Tögal (thod rgal) means "spontaneous presence", "direct crossing", "direct crossing of spontaneous presence", or "direct transcendence. 
The literal meaning is "to proceed directly to the goal without having to go through intermediate steps."

Tögal is also called "the practice of vision", or "the practice of the Clear Light (od-gsal)". 
It entails progressing through the four visions.

The practices engage the subtle body of psychic channels, winds and drops (rtsa rlung thig le). 
The practices aim at generating a spontaneous flow of luminous, rainbow-colored images that gradually expand in extent and complexity.

Tögal is an innovative practice, and reflects the innovations of the Manngede cycles in Dzogchen, and the incorporation of complex tantric techniques and doctrines.
They are an adaptation of Tantric "perfection phase" techniques (rdzogs rim),as outlined in the early-eleventh-century Indian Tantric Kalachakra cycle, "The Wheel of Time", which was probably a direct inspiration for the Seminal Heart.

Rainbow body
Lhun grub practice may lead to full enlightenment and the self-liberation of the human body into a rainbow body at the moment of death, when all the fixation and grasping has been exhausted. 
It is a nonmaterial body of light with the ability to exist and abide wherever and whenever as pointed by one's compassion. 
It is a manifestation of the Sambhogakāya.

Some exceptional practitioners such as Padmasambhava and Vimalamitra are held to have realized a higher type of rainbow body without dying. 

Having completed the four visions before death, the individual focuses on the lights that surround the fingers. 
His or her physical body self-liberates into a nonmaterial body of light (a Sambhogakāya) with the ability to exist and abide wherever and whenever as pointed by one's compassion.

Dear all, 
Please remember that you have to Build Foundation,
then follow the guidelines from your Root Guru,
progress stage by stage, only when you "mastered" one stage then progress to the next,
without guru yoga and yidam yoga - you can't progress at all!

Please go start from the beginning if you have been claiming to be cultivating for decades without any Yogic response, you just didn't have the necessaries to enable you to Progress!

YES! Frankly speaking, you have wasted away years of your life doing something frivolous and of no substance.

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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