
Friday, November 20, 2015

参差不齐的牙齿 Jagged Teeth?

The above are some pictures that you can study and then you can use them to form a Base or Constant, and do comparison to people you meet.

Now go read these articles:- 

From this blogspot, there are many on Auras of people read by Lotuschef.

Some have "Jagged teeth" or "animal" aura that are not visible to the naked eyes though.

Please, don't go all out to point at those unfortunate souls with jagged teeth and pronounce that they are "Animals"!

Bear GM Lu's words in mind: Only when you are fully enlightened then and only then you can criticise or point out other's wrong-doings.

Also: Try not to cause unhappiness!
AND, most important of all - You must not have the Intent to Harm! :)

Do remember well that [Karma is always one's own responsibility] and nothing to do without anyone else!

One can point out, But the individual needs to put sincere effort to save himself!

Anyway, if you do not want to have [Jagged teeth] physically or [Jagged teeth aura], please save yourself!

Always practice Buddha's 5 Wisdoms coupled with Boddhicitta! 

Cheers all.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Edited as per 12 September 2019

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