
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Pure Karma - SZ spoke to Me [5] The End.

Photo shown Screen Shot captured in recent session of event in Caotun Temple, Taiwan.

This is my One & Only Root Guru, Padmakumara, The Living Buddha Lian Sheng, also Grandmaster Lu Sheng Yan.

In previous article, Pure Karma - SZ spoke to Me [4], I shared Core's publication of Discipline Statements alleged to be from SZ.
I happened to glance through briefly and marked them as garbage and forgot about them.

That's not what SZ wants! :)

A fellow student "chuck" them at me again, telling me that Core is circulating new disciplines from SZ that all must abide by!

So I asked for the link and discover these are garbages that I thrown out! :)
I started to browse for video recording of this session, which Core alleged to be a speech given by SZ after lunch & they published as 22nd September 2012.
There was no video recording or any written recording of this speech and the Discipline Statements!

Let us give Core some leeway.
Said some materials were from SZ but they "edited heavily", thus the end results became very Sentient orientated! :)

I asked SZ: My new assignment?
SZ smiled affirmative! 

So another "battle" to Wake Up or succor lost souls!

When the ilovegm forum started, and someone informed me, SZ actually appeared and shake his head telling me not to go into that forum! 

Well? I make a huge blunder going into this forum.

Thinking to rescue some lost sheep, I became bombarded by both parties, one purportedly pro-SZ and the other against SZ!

However, I realized that both parties are also beings that need to be succored when their Affinity with Buddha ripens!

Whew! I left the forum fast!
Also apologized to SZ!
Both of us laugh heartily!

Dear all, 
I hope that readers get some ideas of how SZ might communicate with you.
Therefore, best to chant SZ's mantra when you think you are seeing SZ.
If Genuine, SZ's image or voice will stay! 

As to "Believe me, SZ spoke to me..." , writer forgot that Lotuschef, recipient of her email, "Can always check with SZ"! :)

Once again, a Discerning person and a true yogi, can not only "SEE" but "READ" YOU pretty clearly.

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Edited from Notes of Lotuschef

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