
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Crazy Wisdom – Maha Perfection is Equality!

Terjemahan Indonesia: Kebijaksanaan yang nampak gila – Maha Kesempurnaan adalah Kesetaraan!

Quoting from: 背叛师尊 Betraying Shizun?

[--- As per Buddha Dharma, and the latest Maha Perfection Dharma shared by Shizun, all sentient matters are TRULY VOID OF NATURE! ---]

Also read: Links to Padmakumara's Speech on March 1, 2014

Quoting from: Crazy Wisdom – 目睹因果自负 Witness Karma is One's Own Responsibility



6th Zen Patriarch as a commoner, do not know written characters, became a Patriarch of the time.
Enable Buddhism in China to Exhibit Equality in Succoring All Beings.
Buddhism's that All Beings are Equal,

Buddha Dharma in Sentient Realm combined by 6th Patriarch, Hui Neng, in his Zen Dharma, achieved exposition or revelation,
to point out to All Beings comprehensively Right Faith, Right Cultivation of Maha Boddhi Path.


Zen Sector Do Not Erect Words, purpose is to Break Through cultivators' of those times Attachment to the Form of Words or Written Characters,
During those times, many fell for the Form of Written Characters.
they perceived that studying Buddha Dharma Only Limited to the Scholars,
and those illiterate or without cultural characteristic poor people, can't read and understand Buddha's sutra, not able to cultivate.


Zen Sector broke through all kinds of hindrances, like Culture, Birth Status, Career's limitations, Irregardless of various status level All are eligible to Study Buddha Dharma and Cultivate, thereby practicing and realizing from daily life that Individual's original nature is Bright and Wise.

** PS: English translation by Lama Lotuschef. ---]


Dear all, 
on 8-3-2014, another Key that SZ shared is That Maha Perfection is actually Equality.
We all have Buddha Nature and this is something no one can steal, add to or detract from.
When we LET GO or Into Full Renunciation, we achieve a state of purity which is characteristic of our Buddha Nature.

Is this Buddha Nature unique to each one of us?
As this nature is formless, just like the universal void.

Hahaha! Recently in Taiwan, a fellow reverend said that I carried [All beings are Equal] concept too far! 
She scolded me and said that I must maintain the Reverend Status and let fellow students defer to me and obey me! 

I was trying to tell her that without Equality, she is stuck!

During a visit to Malaysia, some fellow students treated me to lunch. 
SW, one of the administrator of a certain chapter asked the service staff to bring a whole stack of plates and bowls and chopsticks and spoons.

I asked: There are only 5 of us, why get so many of these plates and bowls for?

SW: This is the norm expected by VM & Reverends when we dine with them!!!

He means he has to dish food and serve them on separate plates of bowls and also use different pair of chopsticks for each dish or each cuisine served.

I told him that I don't play this game.


If I don't play this game, does it mean that the students won't respect me?

Well, these are Sentient beings playing Sentient games to fix a Status demanding others to obey and abide, agree?

So all these Sentient ignorants that demand being revered have a long long way to go to reach Maha Perfection, agree?

O! just recall the VM that warned me against dining too often with fellow students as he pronounced that Food touched by fellow students are Tainted!
This one too expect others to kneel and bow to him! 

His buddy, an enlightened one, shouted at me when I pass a gong yang collection bag back to chapter's staff to circulate to the upper floors of the chapter.
He said I am mad to trust "these people" with money! 
He thinks they are lowly and thieves?


These people or VMs and etc are horribly and deeply stuck in Sentient Mud and hopefully wake up in time to have a Clean Bath to succor themselves.

People who think they are high above or way ahead are actually those poor and lost souls that are stuck deeply in Sentient Mud, agree?

Each attendee has a Lotus Offering to do their own offering.
Those unable to attend also can subscribe for one for themselves or their love ones.
This is Pure Karma's standard practice for Fire Offering. 

Hahaha! I am not MAD but extremely Crazy to reveal so much about Maha Perfection or carry Equality too far! 

If we all sat for an examination in Maha Perfection, guess I will score High Distinction, correct?

Cheers all.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Edited from Notes of Lotuschef 

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