
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Pure Karma - SZ Spoke To Me? [4]


Pure Karma - SZ Spoke To Me? [1]

[[ YY's Statements:- 

Believe it or not...SZ talked to me in video...

He began his speech about last time and now. ....more dynamic...
SZ also reminded us NEVER retaliate....

SZ spoke many issues of our mistakes, secret teaching and like your article is same same....
Believe it or not....SZ spoke to me. ]]

Dear all, 
the underlined text are keys to the Truth of whether SZ really spoke to YY as she claimed.
SZ talks to me in video... - this one comes from me, explaining that some visualization are shown to me in video format by SZ. :)

More Dynamic, Retaliate.... are not words SZ would even think of, what more use?

SZ spoke many issues of our mistakes, secret teaching and like your article is same same.... -this is the one that really Over-Killed and clinched that YY's statements are false.

Everytime SZ "talks" to me, he smiles and beam light into my mind! 
And these are either in short phrases or body language of nodding or shaking his head!

If you study the Zen Masters' Dialogue, they use minimal words but put across their views very adequately with few words and a little body language! 

YY made a big mistake alleging SZ will give long speeches when talking to her astrally.
Also if the secret teaching are like my article "same same", SZ would not waste time touching on the same topics! 

SZ only explained secret concepts in detail during Dharma Speech after events.

The very sentient mindset or Layperson mentality created by YY might be able to "convince" those of like mentality to believe her.

Note: This is happening all over, as many believed the false statements and teachings that some people in certain status fed them.
People with titles or people that acts knowledgeable.

Please read the following to give you a better idea that you only listen to SZ and all recorded writing or speeches only.

Don't even believe Me! 

Cheers all 

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Edited from Notes of Lotuschef

Lotuschef at Play – Who Am I? [8C]

[In Tantrayana, One only needs One’s Root Guru to cultivate well!

Have anyone in Core attain close to Guru’s level in cultivation? NO! NO! NO!
Remember Core issued a notice that [With Immediate Effect, all ordained personnel has to use the Brown ceremonial drape and not the Maroon toga?]
This is anathema to Guru’s statement that all in Tantrayana use the Maroon toga!
While Core is busy stuffing Disciplines down others’ throats, they failed to realize that they are the ones breaching the most crucial disciplines!
They OVER-RULED Guru’s statements and replaced with their own version and force all to abide or obey, ELSE they mete out penalties to force others to obey or they “get rid of you, The delinquent!”
Too bad for them, they can’t get rid of me!
What if I am the one that compiled Disciplines?
Just like I kept Diamond Sutra for posterior usages!]

Guru's statements? True/False? :)

[** The Following is a rough translation only. Please translate from the original & make your own deduction , using your knowledge of Buddha Dharma & what Guru has shared. :) ]

Cannot talk more than 3 words with those that betrayed GM!
[So I die liao lol!!! Hahaha! They said so as not to be affected!!!]

Give copies of disciplines to all new students.

Cannot touch Guru & his possession like cloths or bed and can't assess Guru's cultivation level
About tibetan king Trisong Deutsen who betrayed Padmasambhava n how his ring activated the red bull spirit to reincarnate as grandson n eliminated buddhism.

In ancient times, when guru did not instruct student to read a book, reading the book becomes breach of disciplines n must do repentance. Our guru is more liberal.

About how Atisha & Serlingpa studied each other before accepting each other; therefore have to consider well before refuge as after refuge there are samaya vows.

Those who care for guru are more meritorious than those who have cultivated well.
Breaching samaya will land one in vajra hell.

Always make sure Guru is upon one's crown before giving dharma speeches, else the speech is null & void.

Those who think they have cultivated well n very intelligent, they are controlled by mara already.

Dear readers, how many times have you heard Guru said: Those who cultivate well are just beside me, whereas those who are physically beside me and don't cultivate well, are truly very far from me.

Guru's statement nullified Statement 7 and 10 above, do you agree? ]

Like Core's fabricated statements alleging them to be from Guru; YY also made the same Grave Mistake!

Please also refer to articles: Layperson Measures Buddha; Guru Statements; ...

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