
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

In SZ's speech on 1-3-2014 - Achievers

Also watch: 2014年3月1日聖尊蓮生活佛盧勝彥開講「大圓滿九次第法」-台灣雷藏寺

SZ said that Tilopa snapped off the head of a fish that he just caught, and ate it raw like Sashimi! :)
The fish's bardo body or spirit was delivered to Western Paradise of Amitabha Buddha!

At a restaurant, someone walked up to SZ and said that SZ had delivered all that he ate upwards.
However, there was a whole group kneeling down beside SZ that couldn't partake the food SZ offered.

SZ recalled Mu Lian who summoned many Sanghas to help him save his mother from Hungry Ghost realm.
Also SZ remembered Pindola whom he gave the abhiseka last year.
So he summoned Pindola and all the 16 Arhats who are abiding in Sentient Realm and together with Sariputra, SZ, helped bless the group of Hungry Ghosts kneeling beside SZ, to perform Deliverance to Pureland for these Hungry Ghosts.

SZ: For a Great Achiever 大成就者,whatever you do also works or is effective, and those non-achievers or laypersons, all they do become Negative karma.

So Achievement is very important. All of us must become Maha Perfection Dharma's achievers.

Matters executed by Achievers do not have good or evil, they are like cloudless fine sky 无云晴空, Master of the path without Heart 无心道长.

Whatever this achiever does is not recorded, therefore no Karma and he can leap over Reincarnation to universal void.
Even if there is clouds, fog, pollutants, all will fade away for this achiever.

In Maha Perfection Dharma, Cloudless fine sky represents your Buddha Nature and its Void Nature, all these Originally Exist.
As long one recognizes this Cloudless Fine Sky, all other things/matters can disappear.

In the cultivation of Maha Perfection Dharma, you only need to concentrate on Cloudless fine sky, no matter what!
Like snow, hailstones, ... all can't affect this achiever.

The highest Key in Maha perfection dharma is that you stay in Cloudless fine sky and nothing can entangle you!

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Edited from Notes of Lotuschef

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