
Friday, March 14, 2014

Penny Wise Pound Foolish 因小失大

[--- 1. Dear fashi,
Good day.
We would like to register and will attend for the fire puja . S$MM for lotus offering.

蓮花X1 N1岁 肖A
蓮花X2 N2岁 肖B
蓮花X3 N3岁 肖C
蓮花X4  N4岁 肖D
Address : ...

Sponsor homeless spirit and 水子灵 $MM from my 祖先 & my family.
Address : ...

Offer lotus each for below. S$MM
蓮花X22 之 karmic negative
蓮花X3 之 karmic negative

Sponsor Bardo for MH370, each S$M= $4M

[--- 2. Hi! BB
Please assist to register below and return to advice payment mode. Tks.


Dear all, 
The above are registration received by Pure Karma Admin.

See how these related to the topic of "Penny Wise, Pound Foolish"?

PURE KARMA - does all events Truly adhering to Shizun's and Buddha's teachings.

In Fire Puja Script, there is a statement: 为众生分享光明 - means to share Brightness with all Sentient Beings!

Another one - 祈恩值福 普庇光明 超拔孤魂 及 被困之水子灵 普施餓鬼
Means: To request for Grace and Auspiciousness; Blessing of Brightness; Draw & Deliver Singly Spirits or those that are alone; and also those Trapped Fetus Spirits, Widespread charity to Hungry Ghosts...

This script is designed by Lotuschef, bearing in mind that we are doing our best for all Sentient Beings.

Of course, we have to start with those with Affinity with Buddha or Padmakumara. :)

From the beginning of this blog, MINDSET is shared profusely.

Shizun said we have to cultivate to change or eliminate our Unwholesome Habits.

Then what is Unwholesome Habits?

Do you agree that all our Habits and Actions Originates from our Thoughts? :)

Now, everyone said easily: "I have Let Go!"

Have you, truly? 

Case 1

Mindset: Fear of leaving out anyone and details of each one.

The ages & zodiac data are not require - Buddha knows all!

For the Bardo services for victims of MH 730, sponsorship is a charitable deed.
If the X family would have written, X1 & family, all in his family and also the earth gods and spirits will share in this sponsorship!

Yes! Charity really do not need to give details of the donors or sponsors in detail.
Everything we do, our Accounts are kept Virtually by Divinities!

Pure Karma Charity only has Padmakumara, The Living Buddha Lian Sheng, His Holiness, Grand Master Lu Sheng Yan, as Donor or Sponsor for all her activities! :)

So all that donate/sponsor Pure Karma Charity, know that you have done offering to Grandmaster Lu, and he in turn donate/sponsor all charitable events by Pure Karma. 

Your charitable mindset will enable you to establish links to Shizun & Divinities easily because Boddhicitta is an inherent ingredient in all Divinities!

This charitable mindset of caring for all with No differentiation or Segregation, will also "brightened" you up and prolong maintenance of this Mindset will initiate facial changes that make the cultivator more likable and welcoming to all around.
You exudes warmth, caring welcome! 

Look at Shizun, please. 
He draws all to him, agree?

Case 2

This one is simple.
Just asking for blessing for career and the other for well being of whole family.


This one still do not understand that we do offering happily, sincerely, on behalf of all beings, without asking for returns. :)

With Absolute Trust in Shizun, A Living Buddha, just offer happily and TRUST HIM to see to each individual's needs as per their karmic influences! 

Dear all, 
That is the Sole Purpose of Pure Karma's Fire Offering or Puja.

Sincerely & Happily doing offering on Behalf of All Beings = Boddhicitta.
As to whether they get bless or not, OUT OF OUR HANDS!

THINK: ever ready to give and on behalf of all beings, WHO ARE YOU?

O! Shizun said you do without conscious thought of doing something good/charitable, this mindset is that of Buddha!

Happy Cultivating!

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Edited from Notes of Lotuschef

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