
Thursday, March 6, 2014

Lotuschef on Spirits & Effective Bardo 灵与有效超度

Dear fahsi, good morning,
HL will call you today.
She dream about many spirits appears in the toilet of temple where my mum ashes place. 
She dream the night before we go there.

I think they came to seek help.
Need fashi advice how to help them.


Hi dears
please send email and not through other channels please.
Do not have time to attend to so much communications from all over.
There is a great accumulation of emails awaiting attending from PKV too.

[Fashi already advised all not to send messages through all other channels like Facebook, Whats App, Line, ..... Please direct all your messages to and be patient please.] 

Like Nirvana memorial gardens, when I first visited the place, there are lots of spirits present and that's why I decided to do Merits Dedication to them and help them go Pureland.

Whoever or whatever Bardo Delivery services rendered really not effective lol
After the first dedication session, the Spirits sort of settled and we feel at home in subsequent sessions.
Refer to photos taken and they recorded presence of Light Orbs!
These Light Orbs show how effective we are! :)

Sentient Beings are stuck with Traditional practices and have yet to Wisen and understand what Death is all about and how to prepare and ensure One do not hover around without a "home" or face penalties in the Various Halls of Hell or the Underworld.

Yes! They are asking for Help.

You can register them to take refuge 皈依 with Padmakumara, The Living Buddha Lian Sheng and make incense offering to them or you can do a Bardo Delivery service for them.

In SZ's latest speech, 8-3-2104, he talks about a group of Hungry Ghosts that weren't able to partake of the food offered by SZ to them.

SZ amassed 16 Arhats that are tasked with abiding in the Sentient Realm to help deliver their Bardo body/spirit to Amitabha's Pureland.

During Fire Puja sessions, we have SZ and various Divinities presence to effect Bardo delivery effectively and also as we all witnessed, the recent session of bardo deliveries for your mom & her Karmic negatives, done singly not during event is just as effective!

Reason is SZ's presence and all Divinities will come and support!

Your mom & her karmic were handed over into SZ's hands!

The spirits know that your mom, a new neighbor, in the "remains" stupa, has gone to Pureland, so they also seek help for themselves.

You two decide what you can do for these spirits.

Dear all, 
SZ told me about 2 weeks back that I am going to be busy doing Bardo Deliveries soon! 

YES! Many to do this past weeks!

We used to do Free dedication and bardo delivery services at Nirvana Memorial Gardens, but once started, other groups also follow suit.
Somehow, someone, somewhere created disharmony and the administration of the gardens placed lots of rules and regulations for these services.

Going through this blog, you will witness how effective are our services or dedication.

We shifted back to base and do regularly dedication to all during our fire puja sessions. 

These are what we offer at each fire puja session. 

Pure Karma's motto is simply to help all sentient beings with matured Buddha Affinity; with Trust and Faith in Buddha; to cleanse and purify each individual and help them leave Suffering and reincarnation of 6 realms of Samsara.

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Edited from Notes of Lotuschef

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