
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Lotuschef in Weird & Bizzare Encounter

The above are tubs of lotuses that we offer at each event to all City, Earth Deities and Spirits, mostly those homeless or no one giving them offering and fetus spirits as well.

Jl was seated across from me and I noticed that his forehead has part of  a Lotus petal formation.
He told me that for the past week, he felt tingling sensation on his forehead daily.

The shape is very like the kalachakra pendant or lotus petal with sharp point inverted between brows and the broader part upwards.

Cultivation do create certain structural changes to one's face or skull.

I have a Mayuri's eye on my forehead.
Some have "Arahat -fish" head, in which the frontal part of skull protrudes and there is an obvious partition between front and back part of skull bone.

I remember sighting another unique skull formation at the same place, and the subject is seated facing me, on the next table.


Now the real weird part!

Jl read a text message from his client and he started to tell me there is this apartment that is 10,000 sq ft and asking $7.5 millions and can I check with my brother whether he interested or not, to market it.

However, I stopped him and told him this one cannot sell!
Some money can make but some can't.

Seriously, his face from jaw-line upwards on both cheeks started to turn greenish pale yellow, extending to nose and moving rapidly!
That's why I told him to stop now!

It is scary as this apartment's spirits "ascended" on him!

As Shizun said: Yuks!

These spirits are pretty fierce as they died from unnatural causes like suicide and murder!

JL asked should he help these spirits take refuge?

I told him to tell the owner to do it and also do some incense offering to them as well.

Only when the owner refused to help these spirits then we step in.

These spirits need bardo delivery!

The greenish pale yellow color disappeared after my statements.

It's broad day-light lol!

For those that think that spirits or ghosts only appear in the dark or at night, THINK AGAIN!

Like I said before, they are not scary and they appear to us, knowing we can help them!

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Edited from Notes of Lotuschef

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