
Monday, March 3, 2014

Crazy Wisdom – 目睹因果自负 Witness Karma is One's Own Responsibility

Terjemahan Indonesia: Kebijaksanaan yang nampak gila – Menyaksikan Karma Ditanggung oleh Orang yang Bersangkutan

"Karma", a recent sculpture by Korean sculptor Do Ho Suh.
Photograph by Alan Teo.

Quoting from: 佛教高僧禅宗祖师慧能大师生平历史纪实-佛陀正法...


6th Zen Patriarch as a commoner, do not know written characters, became a Patriarch of the time. 
Enable Buddhism in China to Exhibit Equality in Succoring All Beings.
Buddhism's that All Beings are Equal, 
Buddha Dharma in Sentient Realm combined by 6th Patriarch, Hui Neng, in his Zen Dharma, achieved exposition or revelation,
to point out to All Beings comprehensively Right Faith, Right Cultivation of Maha Boddhi Path.


Zen Sector Do Not Erect Words, purpose is to Break Through cultivators' of those times Attachment to the Form of Words or Written Characters,
During those times, many fell for the Form of Written Characters.
they perceived that studying Buddha Dharma Only Limited to the Scholars,
and those illiterate  or without cultural characteristic poor people, can't read and understand Buddha's sutra, not able to cultivate.


Zen Sector broke through all kinds of hindrances, like Culture, Birth Status, Career's limitations, Irregardless of various status level All are eligible to Study Buddha Dharma and Cultivate, thereby practicing and realizing from daily life that Individual's original nature is Bright and Wise.

** PS: English translation by Lama Lotuschef.

Refer also to this article, please:
博士们,你能[过关斩将]吗?Professors, Can You All Clear All Hurdles Ahead?


Dear all,
What is the above all about?


Buddha's Wisdom of Equality with a pinch of Wisdom of Discernment too! :)

Now the Special VIPs in the form of a Group of Elite professors, "compiled" by Shi-mu, grand-mistress, defied the Importance of Equality, agree?

This Equality is a requisite in aspiring to be / cultivating to be Buddhas!

It is a major characteristic of all Buddhas and Form of Bodhicitta too! 

From the beginning, I, Lotuschef, keeps explaining about VIPs, VVIPs, and the Special Privileges they demand and take for granted to be matching of their Status in Life, that These are Anathema to Buddha's Philosophy and Dharma.

Most treat me as crazy and utterly Mad!

Now that Shizun has explained Maha Perfection Dharma which he said is equivalent to Zen Buddhism, I sincerely hope that all students of Padmakumara, The Living Buddha Lian Sheng, will begin to Realize that in Buddhism, Attainment of Buddhahood is NOT DEPENDENT on your perceived elevation of status in Life!

The Ones who created all these Falsehood?
Shizun said many times: 因果自负  Karma is One's Own Responsibility!
Shizun also said that : If can't succor you this life-time, then wait for subsequent one when you have the Right Affinity! 

Now to answer those who lost Faith & Trust in Shizun because you kept seeing sentient antics of creating Segregation, Differentiation, Inequality, resulting in many being Unhappy, Feeling Inferior, Feeling Outcast,.... the Ones who made you Unhappy and etc. are Sentient Beings and they are Bound for their own private trip to the 3 Lower Realms or even Vajra Hell, upon their own steam!

Come back to Padmakumara's, The Living Buddha Lian Sheng's, embrace now!

For those who read my blogs regularly and like what I shared, come be my fellow student! 

Take Refuge in Padmakumara, The Living Buddha Lian Sheng, Now!

O! Please make sure The Living Buddha Lian Sheng is Grandmaster Lu Sheng Yan! 
Don't let any fakes cheat you or bluff you! 

For those who think that having your name announced by SZ is good for you, because you are "Elite", Hahaha, Think again.
Have you really contributed to Dharma Propagation for the Benefit of all beings?

O! Do you all recall the incident when SZ took out a NTD 100 note?

SZ said this is only PAPER!

Now realize his meaning after his sharing of Maha Perfection Dharma?


Now a local chapter proposed to build a temple to attract tourists, VIPs like Government officials, politicians, bankers, lawyers, doctors, ....; this great idea is from a VM LH!

I said: When there are needy sentient beings in need of succoring with Buddha Dharma, Divinities will choose someone or a group of True Yogi, to erect the relevant structure to facilitate the relevant necessaries! 
Do you agree?

For this case, the Temple gets build with ease and very little manual efforts!

Pure Karma Vihara with Form or Formless, spread over thousands of worlds of all Realms! 
And opens 24/7 for all beings with relevant affinity to "walk-in" by choice. :)

No Need in designing cheating schemes to raise funds for Temple Building!!!


Happy Cultivating!

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotsuchef

Edited from Notes of Lotuschef

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