
Sunday, February 2, 2014

SZ Explains the 3 Gifts from Maitreya Boddhisattva

Visiting Mi Tuo Village in Puli. - Lighting up! 

The 3 Gifts!

1. Wisdom to understand own's heart. How to cleanse or purify all unwholesome habits/behaviours and troublesome thoughts.

2. 【净光法】Pure Light Method - let One's heart shine brightly to reveal One's Buddha Nature.

3. 融入 Merging - Lighting up Self and all and then merge into the Vairocana's Bright Light Sea, or merge into Universal Void, and attain Buddhahood.

SZ mentioned Purifying method from that of Naropa's 6 Yoga Practices.

Dear all, 
have a good read through Pure Karma's Version of Sadhana and you can find that we start off with 3 Deep Breathing and then the 4 Immeasurable Visualization.

We draw light into us, hold and then release these light through all skin pores to share with all.
Then we visualize that all Divinities bless all with light and all transform into a Bright light sea that merges into Universal void. 

First transform Self into SZ, then cleanse the globe from the core outwards, then transform all beings into SZ and all radiate Immense Light to light up the whole of global earth.

The Essence is Light Up Self as well as ALL beings!

Do everything for the Benefit of ALL! 


Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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