
Saturday, February 15, 2014

不是佛法的佛法!Not Buddha Dharma's Buddha Dharma

[Just discovered that this video is no longer available for sharing].

SZ said these during an interview on 3rd day of CNY this year. 

On 3rd day of CNY, SZ said he shares [不是佛法的佛法 - not Buddha Dharma's Buddha Dharma]!
What does SZ means?
Clue: SZ said many times: Everything we do is Cultivation!
Big Use 大用 - Buddha Dharma can also be applied to Everything we do!

Lotuschef on Mind Training - Popcorn 爆米花

What has Popcorn to do with Buddha Dharma?

Dharma is a method and Buddha Dharma - method as per Buddha's philosophy.
Targeted results: to make life simpler and easier and happier, when you know how to use Buddha Dharma in everyday life.

To many, who are sentient minded, so SZ uses live subjects and their experiences to teach you Buddha Dharma.

Many think that Buddha Dharma is boring to listen to! :)

Therefore SZ uses stories to share Buddha dharma and thus his statements: Sharing Not Buddha Dharma's Buddha Dharma.

Because to the Sentient Mind, SZ is telling you stories of others' experiences only! 

Similarly, my "in search of Popcorn's roots" has Dharma flavor just as SZ said Lotuschef, Chef has Dharma Flavor! 

Through Live examples, hopefully some one learn something beneficial! 

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom

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