
Friday, February 14, 2014

Lotuschef at Play - Misuse of Heavenly Eyes?

VM JX said: You can wen-shi. You can use your Heavenly Eyes........

I think I have shared the 5 eyes articles and also other articles on EYES, that is Special Eyes that can see beyond the ranges of Human eyes.

SZ said that Thubten Ksiti has eyes on his hands too.
SZ also said: Whole body full of eyes!


When you know more about these "Special Eyes", you know they are not meant to be use to answer sentient beings worries for their own well-being or to make them rich instantaneously!

Sentient Beings perceived that the 3rd eye gives the owner the power to help them, the pay-master to take advantage of others, which they consider as lesser beings!

The so-called Heavenly eyes have ranges too!

The lower ranges, I classified as Spiritual eyes as the sight are Spirits with facial features like eyes, nose, mouth, ... & either full body or half body or just the head or headless bodies!

The upper ranges, really can call Heavenly as you only see Spirits as grey-greenish opaque mist.

When someone use the Open 3rd eye for S$5000 to try to drag me into the mud with them, I laugh and laugh!

I wrote in jest as the student didn't want to see Spirits!
Also the 5K is an initial amount to be paid monthly until the student's 3rd eye is initiated through cultivating with my guidance!

Yesterday, my godson made a long distance call to me, asking how I am.
He heard that I am no longer with TBS, and lots of stories too!

Dear all gossip-mongers, don't waste the life you have now, with a Human Shell!

Spreading Lies or Untruths, and your subject is a True Sangha, you are slandering a member of the Triple Gem of Buddha, Dharma & Sangha.

Really nothing better to do?
Wasting your life away, you are likely to be send to "Ant Country" as per SZ.
Have you read SZ's article about being sent to Ant Country upon one's demise, when one waste away one's life with a Human Shell?


A fashi warn me to beware of a student, her allegation were this student is dishonest and cheat $$$.

I gave this student a "blank" cheque. Purpose is to help me donate to charity in her country.
After I made up my mind to donate to RE, I told her to help me donate $4K to this institution in SZ's name!
She did a transfer from her bank account the next day.
Few days later she asked me for a cheque.
I reminded her that I gave to her already.
She went to search and replied she somehow lost it.
So I mailed another to her.
In all, she only withdrew $4K from my account.

The fashi said, I think you gave her a cheque a while ago, I am sure she misappropriated your

I said: No! She paid up first and wait for me to reimburse her!
I also received receipt and acknowledgement for this donation.
I also posted on to this blog some time ago too!

Dear all, when you lie, please don't do so in front of me!
My "Heavenly eyes" can see through you! :)

This fashi has a grudge against this particular student and goes round spreading lies that this student is dishonest and cheats her and many others too!

It is scary to see some ordinated personnel behaving worse than lay people.

True or False Sangha?

Read my article on True/False Monk?

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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