
Thursday, February 13, 2014

Lotuschef at Play – Karma & Affinity! 业与缘!

Terjemahan Indonesia: Lotuschef Bermain-main – Karma & Jodoh!

Also read: Lotuschef in Chance Meeting 巧遇 

Raymond Tung PK: but its like SZ giving me a message : You can do wenshi, with your heavenly eye ........
Yesterday at 11:25am · Like

Raymond Tung When to start wenshi ? Hehe...
Yesterday at 11:25am · Like

Belinda Tan Raymond: we control our own fate n need wenshi hehe
Yesterday at 12:51pm · Like

Francesca Poon I still do not encourage wen-shi n might up the fees to S$500/20mins block!
16 hours ago · Edited · Like

Francesca Poon do you noticed that VM & I are very like kids = lotus kids!
Yesterday at 1:00pm · Like

Raymond Tung 法师有菩提心,让更多的众生结缘。如果有20%的問事者能从中体会到,改变命运或消除业障,需要靠自己修行。再加上法师的指导,那会更好!
Fashi has Bodhicitta, allow more sentient being to establish Affinity Links. If only 20% of those that Wen-shi can deduce the benefit of Self Reliance in Cultivation, and re-write their destiny and cleanse their negative karma, plus Fashi directive guidance, that will be even better!
16 hours ago · Like

Francesca Poon Hi ray, you still don't understand Karma & Affinity! 
When Karma is more positive, Affinity with Buddha will surface and sentient beings will come seek help to learn Buddha Dharma. 

Wen-shi only for self enhancement but not willing to put in effort! 
Paying $ to me won't help them get cleanse at all! hahaha!


Raymond asked: when start wen-shi? 
This is already in place and Fees are SGD 300/20 minutes block.

Dear all, before you ask a question, please ponder on what you want to say and don't waste time asking something irrelevant or frivolous. :)

Belinda Shijie has clearly shared with Raymond: we control our own fate n need wenshi hehe

Raymond's views: Fashi has Bodhicitta, allow more sentient being to establish Affinity Links. If only 20% of those that Wen-shi can deduce the benefit of Self Reliance in Cultivation, and re-write their destiny and cleanse their negative karma, plus Fashi directive guidance, that will be even better!

Raymond has the view that more people should rely on Wen-shi and my guidance. 

If this is a Zen Dialogue, Raymond will be ousted at the point when he asked: when start wen-shi.

He will not have a chance to dig his grave deeper into this quagmire!

In Tantrayana, One Only Needs One's Root Guru! 
As I have promised Shizun that I will not accept any disciples under me, all that come forward will have to take refuge with Shizun, and be my fellow students! 

Also I believe in Karma & Affinity and also my vows to Shizun to do my best for those that he sends my way! 

So I do not go around promoting or advertising my can do!

SZ let me know through VM JX that I can use my Heavenly eyes to Wen-shi, because I don't know how to Initiate or shut them, so don't know how to use them when doing healing too! 

When healing or helping others or counseling others, I always have SZ with me! 

I have Sariputra's sarira worn as a pendant around my neck, and SZ is in my heart.

Likewise, SZ wrote that Atisha has his Guru, Serlingapa's sarira worn on him and also his Guru's spirit always with him. 
The Visible & Invisible or the Form & Formless representation of One's Root Guru Dharma flow, always with One!

That's what everyone should be "armed" with!

That's Guru Yoga too! 


Also read: Articles on Atisha

If you read Guru's new book 228, when he was Atisha, he later wears his Guru's, Serlingpa's sarira forever with him.

Sarira with Form. Dharma flow that is Formless. Stay/Abide with Atisha's body forever.

[page 172 - 阿底峡在后来,把金洲上师的舍利, 永远的戴在身上。 

To all, Please look inwards and discover your own Root Guru and you really don't need to come wen-shi with me or any one else, in which people alleged have powers to see into your 3 times of past present and future! :)

Reliance on External Sources is a Great Hindrance to Self and retards One's advancement in Cultivation! 

If you are not well, seek medical treatment please! 
I only do emergency cases but also encourage those I helped to go seek relevant help.

Cheers all.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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