
Thursday, February 13, 2014

CNY Taiwan Trip RT 16 – Collective Karma 共业?

The Doomed event! 
Dreary day and overcast sky!
The area around the stupa was flooded and most just walked one round only.
Some left early and some mid-way through the events.
Those with small kids are most inconvenienced.
My shoes were soaked and feel likes cold metal when I put them on. 
Hahaha! So I wear socks, when I left for Abhiseka! 
However, my socks and shoes were again soaked!

SZ said he instructed Thubten Ksiti to ask for good weather.
The heavy downpour is a Collective Karma of the hosting committee and the Collective effort and sincere apologies of this committee is needed too for this "BIG SORRY" !
The Wrongs have to be righted too! 
Can these people honestly give a public apology to all affected by their crooked schemes?

In the 4 Noble Truths: 
  1. Acknowledge there is a Problem
  2. Find the Problem
  3. Trace the Origin of the Problem
  4. Using 8 fold noble path, solve the problem.

What's behind the Collective Karma?
The Dragon Robe Sheng Ji Practice done by VM Lian Huo with full co-operation from VM Lian Yue between late 2010 & early 2011, is one of them! 
Don't believe me, go have a good look at their auras from the photos taken before and after this 2010-2011 event, please! 

Sometimes around Nov - Dec 2010, I have noticed and dropped away from their functions too! :)
Hear the speech and how many [我 I] is in the speech given by VM LY.
A very hard working person that pushed herself to exhaustion, hopped onto the wrong train?

Still like to gift these words of SZ to all:
Know what you can do, and what you can't!

If you have the leisure, go compare my photos with anyone you think is GOD, while I am labelled as Mara or Mara's cronies! 

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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