
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Lotuschef at Play – Enlightened, Still Need to Cultivate!

Above: Maitreya (Top) and Sakyamuni Buddhas.
These are Gurus that you need to learn from!
In Tantrayana, you are fortunate to have a Root Guru too!
Therefore, Treasure this good fortune! :)

**L1 & L2 are enlightened as announced by SZ.

L1: Are you crazy, how can you trust the gongyang collection bags to those people!
[Those people are wearing the chapter's vests and they were the ones that took out the bags for us to put in our gongyang.]

L2: Why did SZ leave those people alone, and let them reap off students?
[Those people are supposedly care-takers of SZ!]

LC: SZ wrote in an article that he owes them from a previous lifetime.

L2: So how long does SZ expects us to also pay with him?

LC: SZ said before that we don't have to pay with him, its his own karmic debts! You didn't hear SZ said these or even wrote about these?

L2: Its a conspiracy this law suit against the Defamators. Purpose to drag SZ down!

LC: Its good if the Law suit materialized!
Just need to put SM into the witness box, its all her jealous renderings that are materials that the defamators use to hit at SZ!
There are plenty of fellow students through years that have at one time or another hear SM jealous grumbling!
Any pretty young female or younger than her, are suspects!


Dear all,
L2 is an enlightened one and she still don't understand why SZ said that "Understanding Karma Fully means Enlightened!".

There were other reverends in this chat group.

L2 actually told us how FAR OFF from Full Enlightenment and Buddhahood he/she is!

Trying to stir up discords too is not what an enlightened one should be doing!
Also offering to make me famous is very non-enlightened!

Remember the Beating up of SZ?
I was very angry but SZ's articles in "Sword of the Yogi" halted my fury and I learn that Karma is Always One's Own Responsibility and no others can interfere or knows the Full Story to interfere!

Well? SM's version was SZ has cosmetic surgery!
However, subsequently, during a speech, SZ said that He Has never had cosmetic surgery before in his life and he is game to try!

Do you all see, all the hoo-hah of All Defamation, actually ORIGINATES from HOME BASE!

Therefore the Fastest & Easiest Way is to put SM through a Polygraph or Hypnosis session!


Case Settled!
So Core going to turn around and Sue SM?
Hahaha! Hilarious!

Well, TELLING THE TRUTH AS IT IS, I become the target of Core & SM?

Please bear in mind that SZ only wants to neutralize negative karma from past lives only!
Don't be TOO OVER in Collecting lol!

All your auras are dark and scary, which point to Over-Collection Already!
Stop Now!

SM came to Taiwan and apologized publicly to SZ and VOWED to Cultivate Diligently!
She has negated on her vows!

The Truth though Unpalatable to these people, but needs to be reveal once and for all, to prevent Trouble-makers from benefiting or profiteering from these!
Some offer to be big brother/sister and lead those susceptible on a Crusade to help SZ, but they all have Private Agendas! :)

Don't fall for these Big Brothers/Sisters gimmicks.

[now understand why SZ told me that If SM wants to see you, ask her in what position, as SM or VM]

Core accused me of causing Havoc amongst TBS' sanghas group!

It is Core that cause students to be angry and then they instigate the susceptible to battle and draw blood from those they have hurt and make enemies.

Core uses the Mob Mentality Phenomena to eliminate and destroy their own enemies!


Cheers all.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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