
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Lotuschef at Play – SZ's Words or Yours?

Terjemahan Indonesia: Lotuschef Bermain-main – Kata-kata Guru atau Darimu?

Extract from Lotuschef in Chat – Spiritual Realm Negotiation 灵界谈判:

[--- Hahaha! While doing the translation of SZ's latest on the Purification Methods, I found a Summary in Chinese in TBS official website, it is written by a VM.
Thinking to use it and translate, I found to my Horror that it is inaccurate and Key Points are omitted or left out!
This is written dated 20-1-2014, 2 days after SZ's speech! ---]

That's not all that is shockingly wrong!

The title of this article too!

口清淨 - means Clean mouth or Speech.



一、 行者觀想心際蓮花開放,內立有一藍色的「吽」字(ཧཱུྃ),此時行者口輕聲唸「吽、吽、吽…」,觀想藍吽字從右鼻孔出,藍吽字由小變大,藍吽字變多,佈滿房子的牆壁四周、家人身上,再向外推展至整個山河大地…,甚至整個地球,全部佈滿藍色吽字。


This last part means [As all transformed into Blue-color Light, Internal and External All Become Clean].

The writer of this article is not doing a Truthful reporting of SZ's speech, agree?

Purification as per SZ is to Cleanse or Purify [Body Speech & Mind]!
The writer wrote as purification of the Mouth/Speech only!

Just like SZ always stressed on 3 main factors of Cultivation being [ Mudra - Body; Mantra - Speech; Visualization - Mind]. So meticulously doing all 3 will Cleanse One to cultivate!

I remember the day of my maiden Dharma Speech, 7 November 2009, in Seattle, SZ talks about Interpretation and Translation and their varying degree of Accuracy.

However, this is not TRANSLATION!

Doing an honest and accurate summary of SZ's speech in Chinese, the language that SZ uses, does not require Translation skills, as it is same language!

SZ said before that when you have not attain Buddhahood, don't give your opinion or advice. As you will misdirect or mislead others, resulting in worsening matters!

That is Don't Know, Don't Act/Pretend to Know!

Dear all, now understand why I stress to all TO LISTEN TO ONE'S ROOT GURU ONLY, & NO ONE ELSE!


Yes! The Statements, 22 September, alleged to be from SZ on TBS' official website too!

Best to make sure there are video recording of SZ's speeches or from SZ's writing, before you can rely upon and learn from!

Cheers all.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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