
Friday, January 24, 2014

Lotuschef at Play - Flower Adornment Sutra 华严经

If only more people appreciate this Sutra and use the teachings to benefit Self as well as All Beings! Problem is not many really put effort into even reading this Sutra!

From the comments and questions put to me, I can affirmed that most don't even have the Basic Fundamentals of Buddha Dharma, therefore can't cultivate even the Entry stage at all.

Hahaha! My assignment is to share widely and up to the Individual to Use or Not to Use it! Choice is Always the Individual's.

华严经 - 如来出现品第三十七 [1]

This book is about The Appearance of Buddha.


At this time, Buddha emits Great Bright Light from his mouth, named: No hindrance No Fear, hundreds thousands billions Asamkya as its' retinue/associates.

入普贤菩萨摩诃萨口 (Enters Samanthabadra Bodhisattva's mouth)。

Remember recently SZ said that Padmasambhava ingested him in through the mouth and then expelled SZ out through his Secret Chakra, as a form of Abhiseka and also a Great Purification?


Then Samanthabadra said: Buddha's disciples! From my past sighting of all Buddhas, Affirmed True Enlightenment, able to exhibit/display such Great & Widespread Astral/Transcendental Transformation,...

Note that Samanthabadra Boddhisattva received Blessing and Abhiseka from all Buddhas in earlier chapters of this sutra during Samadhi. 
Enlightenment too! 

In this chapter, The Buddha emit great dazzling bright light that eventually enters Samanthabadra's mouth! 

Please spend some time to read this wonderful sutra if you are seriously and sincerely set on Cultivation of Buddha Dharma to succor self as well as others or to enhance life for all beings. :)

To all those that Lied or Attempted to Lie to me, would like to remind you all that Karma is One's Own Responsibilities, Always! :)

Lying, cheating, stealing, .... breaches major Precepts too.

Before you do anything or crave for something that will hurt or harm or deprive others, PLEASE ASK YOURSELF, " DO I REALLY NEED THIS?" 

All your deeds will eventually turn full circle and return to YOU ONLY! 

When I keep quiet, it doesn't mean that I don't know or not aware of Your Lies or Cheating or Stealing ways. Believe it or not, SZ shakes his head, and I kept quiet!

You didn't WIN or got by with your dishonest ways, so don't bother to feel Triumphant!

Your Aura is a Dead Give-away of your ill intent and also results of accumulation of your Karmic Negative Level! 

Note that Your Path also starts to be Filled with Hindrances and reflecting on What You managed to steal versus What You Give/Paid Out, The Balance seems to tilt against you! 

Hahaha! The reason for pointing out Liars, Cheats, Robbers, ...., I encountered too many recently that I feel should be voiced so that everyone will go reflect upon their daily deeds and learn to change and be repentant and Halt all Unwholesome deeds as soon as possible.

Remember that A Buddha Knows All! 
Hahaha! I might not be a Buddha yet, but whether you believe it or not, I do see beyond your Lies and Falsehoods! 

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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