
Friday, January 24, 2014

Lotuschef at Play - Execute At Ease & At Will 任运自如

What is Enlightenment to You? 开悟对你是什么?

[The other one that I taught how to draw upon the Buddha Duster and use it also another Enlighten One! I even taught this one how to use the Ancestral Robe to form a protective shield to ward off “attacks” !]

USE 用 - execute & Transform.

1. Draw the Buddha Duster 佛尘, and USE it to protect Self or anyone you wish to protect.
You can also USE it to Shield or Form Boundaries Protection.

2. The Ancestral Robe 祖衣 - form protection shields and also can bless anyone.

The above methods and execution cannot share, if you want to know or learn, go ask SZ or come pay me a visit. If you have the relevant affinity, I will share the methods with you. :)


Link to following:
The Annotated Repentance Sadhana 
[Shri Vajrasattva Sadhana of the Four Preliminary Practices] 

Sadhana Pertobatan & Penyucian Kembali 
[Sadhana Shri Vajrasattva dari Empat Prayoga dengan tambahan anotasi]

[Sadhana Shri Vajrasattva dari Empat Prayoga dalam Bahasa Mandarin] 

[Alternatively: You can just go straight into transformation into a crystal clear mani stone, radiating brilliant and dazzling white light.
Or you can transform into the 100-syllable mantra wheel that keeps rotating in clockwise manner, churning and sharing lots of great white light.]

[再观想莲花童子心轮有一个吽字在旋转、旋转.. 吽字射光直射我们的心轮,转眼间我们的心轮显现一朵白光的莲花,放出耀眼的白光。我们保持这样的观想,

**我们结xx的手印,观想xx用三光加持我们。我们得到光的加持,身体变得更亮丽,洁净琉璃。再观想xx心轮有一个color色的x种子字在旋转、旋转.. x字射光直射我们的心轮,转眼间我们的心轮显现color色的摩尼宝。]

The above is Pure Karma's literature on Cultivation.
Transformation into White Lighted Lotus = Padmakumara and coloured Mani Gem for the Yidam, with Mani gem resting atop the lotus. 
This is Pure Karma's logo! :)
Do remember that Qi mobilization is your key to successful Transformation!  

Lotuschef in Chat – [开悟的箭试 Archery Test - Enlightenment] 2

[Arrow 1 – Buddha Dharma ; Use; Transform; Miracles; Realized; Succor Sentient Beings.
Arrow 2 – Keeping in steps with Root Guru; Bodhi Paths; Breaking Free; Suffering of Life & Death.]
Realization comes with Yoga with Buddha and you have cleared ATI Yoga, and you can execute at will with your inherent knowledge of Buddha Dharma coupled with your Buddha Wisdom & Compassion or Bodhi, Buddha’s vow to Succor all sentient beings.

Would you think of being King?
Would you think to have merits or blessings from your Guru then?
Would you still think inferiorly that there are others that are Number One?
Would you use your official position to lead a War Cry upon all those you perceived as “enemies”?

Remember my sharing that: Your worse enemy is you, yourself! ]]

The above article is written as someone queried why I can use lyrics of a song that I wrote as "Enlightenment Arrows"! 

As long as you know what you are doing and with your knowledge of Buddha Dharma, you can Execute or Transform at Will with much ease too! 

And SZ said just this past Saturday, that when you already attained Buddhahood, then you have no further need of Buddha Dharma.
Means Buddha Dharma is Your Vehicle to Find Your Own Buddha Nature.
Once Found, You Won't lost it. :)

Remember: SZ said: Everything we do is Buddha Dharma! :)

Cheers all 

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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