
Saturday, January 11, 2014

Lotuschef at Play – Disciplines Set By Sentient Ignorants?

Back in mid-2009, I was told by a newly ordained reverend that TBS' rules & regulations & disciplines set by Core prohibits dharma propagators from Reverend downwards in many activities.

One such that I proposed to the reverend to conduct was Meditation session over a day or longer.


It means that all grades from reverends and below are NOT Qualified or Authorized to teach Meditation techniques, right?

Then the one about only VMs can do bardo events and do the mudra formations!


SZ said many times that most of these VMs beside me, have yet to Yoga with me!

SZ said that if you can't yoga with Root Guru, Yidam, & Dharmapala, what you do is totally not effective = you have no power to perform the required tasks or promised tasks = YOU Can't Deliver What You Charge others for!

Towards the end of 2010, the reverend, now a VM, gave me a booklet which is Core's set of rules & etc. that clearly documented what the VMs can do and all other grades prohibited from carrying out!

Its quite an interesting read that clearly revealed the Sentient Ignorant in most of the statements therein.

Its territorial; political, dictative, bias, .... all set out to restrict & control others to prevent them from "over-stepping" on VMs' lucrative businesses!!!

A Dharma-speaker, blue collar jiangshi can conduct meditation camp, but not a reverend?
So this reverend's skills is well below the Dharma-speaker, who is grades below a reverend?

NO! This poor reverend got his FACTS all wrong!!!

As per SZ, Guru Yoga is your Key to Everything!
See the ones that Guru said can yoga with him?
The ones that can already cultivate vibrating Qi in the central channel for 24 hours continuously!
These are just lay persons or students and not VMs!

There is so much Hoo-Hah about my articles entitled " Leave TBS, to Find True Buddha", even after I have explained clearly what they are all about! :)

Even SZ's instruction for me to " Leave TBS" - means to find alternative ways to cultivate True Buddha Dharma taught by him.

We all should wake up to the fact that what have been shared by those VMs that failed to achieve Guru Yoga are unreliable and should not blindly follow just because they have external form of status or position.

Remember these are just forms of Job Positions they should be working diligently at & not to control or dictate to all they consider underlings!

If someone failed in performing his task, or he is off-duty, do you still blindly follow and execute as ordered?

A student once asked me: Fashi, who do we listen to then, if VMs are not reliable?

This student has indeed turned out to just toe the line and follow the crowd.
As per SZ, the Korean Kimchi  Urn Ideology - all dyed or stained with the same characteristics!
I call it Sentient Mud! :)

My answer is: You do not have to follow anyone or listen to anyone, other than your own root guru, in tantric dharma cultivation. Your karma will decide how much you can understand and how far you can proceed along the Bodhi Path to Nirvana.
When you achieved Guru Yoga, you don't need to seek answers from external sources too! 

Sightings of Guru; feeling of Guru's blessing; should not be your hallucination only! 

Cheers all.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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