
Thursday, October 3, 2013

Requesting to extend some bodhicitta :)

GG: Lovely friends,
If you have some time, would you please dedicate the merits of your sadhana or recitations to AA's (my friend's) mom, with the following details: XXXXXX

She's suffering from the blood coagulating in the front brain from slipping and falling into the floor.

I've shared with AA that he recites GM's mantra and/or Gao Wang Sutra as well.
He said despite the progress of recovery being slow, the mom is recuperating.

Wishing her a swift recovery and her karmic enemies being appeased and receiving the necessary deliverance to a better realm.
Cheers all.

PKV: who is AA? I know him? :)
yes, Guru mantra & gaowang can help lots

I can help her ask blessing too.
I need a photo if possible, then very fast!
I do Samadhi Boddhicitta most days before I sleep  :)

GG: You don't know him hahaha, but he's a good friend of mine at gym.
He said yesterday when his mom choked and coughed endlessly, she stopped after he recited the mantra.
And thanks again for extending help to her, fashi dear.
The photos are available and he's still searching for good mobile signal to send to email.

GG: Here are some of the photos.

PKV: Aura bad.
Facial changes set in.
Take a good look at the first one.

GG: This is also my first time of seeing her.Quite astonishing, another friend who went to the hospital said that she got even skinnier. Gosh.

PKV: hi GG, hows your friend's mom?
I did some prayers for her and she should be better, even though her aura bad.
can tell your friend to teach her to chant guru's mantra or namo amituofo frequently?

GG: Just got the reply from him.

The bleeding in the brain has receded and she's getting better, although the awareness isn't 100% there yet.
He keeps on reciting the mantra to his mom, I guess his mom would recognise and recite it in her heart.
He thanks you very much for extending help to his mom, and said he could maintain his calmness as well.

PKV: Well? With the photo easy to do astral healing!
He can download guru mantra n put beside the mom, so she hears all the time n imprint into her mind. :)

GG: Btw he isn't TBS, he's from maitreya school, but thankfully he agreed of reciting Gao Wang and/or GM's mantra.I will email him the GM's mantra links so he can put and play anytime and anywhere whichever convenient.

PKV: Who cares what sch he is from?
We help n save all sentient beings if have affinity!
They said I am crazy!
But I am pretty effective right?

RR: yep, no differentiation. glad that she is better.

Dear all, remember I shared SZ's classification of Boddhicitta?
One of them is Samadhi Boddhicitta.
In this one, you can first invoke Root Guru, then Yidam to Yoga.
Then you can go help those that are ill, need help and have affinity! 

Remember to also bless their karmic negatives and help them to let go of grievances and leave for a better place and out of Suffering. 

As long as you want to help, SZ will show you the way! 

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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