
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Lotuschef on Defusing Black Spells 解降

Terjemahan Indonesia: Menetralisir Santet 解降

The Mudra of Sharpyinma above.

SZ shares various methods of Defusing black spells.
A recent one was shared by me in this blog too.

Its the one whereby a Malaysian practitioner was hired to prevent SZ from speaking!
The spell was cast by making a straw doll and affixing SZ's bio-data on it and also stuffing the doll's mouth full with incense ashes.

Using the 4 Great Disintegration Method, SZ void his Elements of  Earth; Water; Fire; Wind.

This method SZ does nightly too! It requires one to be in Meditation Mode. :)

In this one, Light Energy is drawn and transferred to the student, in a form of healing as taught by SZ. This is also Meditation Mode, but helping someone else only.

SZ shares how to palm a seed syllable HOM into someone needing help to clear darkness or Black Spells, at Xiang Hua Temple early this year. Remember the detailed process that SZ shared?

O! There are "commands" when Defusing these Black Spells too!
I shared some too in this blog as well!

A student that I helped went to ask SZ to help lift the Black Spells cast on her. SZ gave her talisman to do so.
She keeps holding on to the mindset of Black Spells still controlling her!
Those around her also encouraged this mindset!

Hahaha! It is not good to tell as the victim will keep having the shadow of the black spells looming over them, and clinging is also the cause of them thinking they are still controlled by black spells!

Well! At least taking talisman from SZ, helps her kicked the mindset of still being under control of the black spells! :)

Sentient beings need for Forms actually bring them much Suffering of worrying and give birth to many scary scenarios too!

Voiding is a very effective method taught by SZ!
From the Diamond Sutra, I also shared that One do not let anyone/matter take control over them!

Cheers all.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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