
Monday, September 2, 2013

Lotuschef in Chat – Nothing better to do? [1]

Terjemahan Indonesia:
Lotuschef Bercakap-cakap – Memangnya tak ada hal yang lebih bermutu untuk dilakukan? [1]

--- Fri. 22 Aug 2013 @ 02:22 ---
[AA: I read the latest one.
What a funny situation that GM is surrounded by people who report to #2 instead of asking clarification to GM directly.
Almost too impossible to believe seeing many funny people in Seattle.....near GM too.
Omg crazy la, you are such a prick in their asses figuratively.
Everyone is restless and nervous lol.]

--- Fri. 22 Aug 2013 @ 02:42 ---
[LC: O! LL actually persisted and remain even after I said I do not wish to chat further.
I guess his orders are to find out how long I will remain in Seattle!!! Hahaha!
we are off to moding now!
be back later! :)]

[AA: Happy moding guys]

[BB: I just get the wifi signal. How come fashi can send email... haha...Man... someone asked me if i come with fashi.]

[LC: Hahaha!
They want to stop anyone from fetching me to temple.
They are passing my photo around to warn ppl to stay away from me!

[CC: Be careful Fashi. They dare to threat black magic thingy
Whoa BB, their spies so fast get info? Lol]

[AA: Hahahaha wrong photo for bounty hunter announcement hahahaha.
They printed you in the Pratisarah Prajnaparamita mode.
Big mistake!]

[BB: Fashi where were u just now ya? Yeah i think u re right they did pass those thing i heard...
Hahaha guys u should see just now mo ding time in the afternoon. Fashi said "shi zun hao" shi zun smiles... hahahaha they wont dare to say anything...
So fashi are u goin to temple again tmr?]

[LC: I go for moding lunch n dinner :)]

[BB: Ok will see u tmr... i couldnt find u when i am going out just now... re u still in temple?]

[LC: we left around 7:50pm as SZ said not chanting.]


Dear all, it is true that there are people that have nothing better to do.
So they go around "executing" orders to find out who transported me to Seattle Temple daily! :)

To satisfy curiosity of interested parties, the cab fare from hotel to temple is <USD20 per trip.
I also have a valid driving licence since 1975 March.
Rental of vehicle about USD 130 per day with insurance.

Do interested parties plan on threatening cabbies that transported me to temple?
Or threaten car rental operators for renting me a vehicle?


Just bear in mind though that I am a Student of Living Buddha Lian Sheng and no one can change that, no matter how hard they try!

Also no one can block Guru & Student interchanges or communication at all!

Cheers all.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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