
Saturday, September 28, 2013

Crazy Wisdom – Listen to Root Guru?

Is the above your Root Guru?


If he is, then most of you out there has a False Version of your Root Guru!

Root Guru said that Cultivation is dependent on Self & one's own diligence in practicing what is taught by him.

All grades of Students?

Most of them will answer Questions put to them with: Shangshi said.....; and most recent ones are Core said.......!

Root Guru said: most of shangshi, fashi,.... have yet to Yoga with me!
Meaning they have not cultivated well and in NO Position to teach you anything or give you Effective Help at all!!!

Core is still heavily promoting their wares like the Cash call for funds for legal suits against those defaming Root Guru, despite Root Guru affirming his Vows to not sue anyone!
This is blatant disrespect for One's Root Guru!

Root Guru said: Must not harm anyone and must have Boddhicitta!
Think they self proclaimed leaders in Core, practice and encourage all to have this mindset and execute in their daily lives?
Sadly, NO!

Think: How can you expect to Yoga with Root Guru if you have too much DIFFERENCES from your Root Guru and also practicing Bullying, Greedy Grabbing/Seizing of others' possessions?

YOU, don't even practice the very Basic or Fundamentals of Buddha's teachings, and doing everything Anathema too!

The fastest way is to listen repeatedly to Root Guru's teachings, especially what he has shared so far on the 9 Yanas.

I heard feedback that many fear Core's penalties and dare not join us in cultivation!
Some said as Lotuschef is not recognised as fashi by Core, then can't lead them in cultivation!


Lotuschef thanks all in Core for lightening "work-load"!

Also great thanks for helping to weed out those without any Wisdom of Discernment as well!

No waste of precious time catering to sentient queries all the time is a real relief too!

Cheers all.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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