
Saturday, September 14, 2013

Are You Truly Listening to Your Root Guru?

Reference to :-

[FH: Tidak soal apakah seorang penekun batin memiliki klaim sepihak daya supranatural setinggi apapun, akan tetapi jika perilakunya hanya menciptakan perseteruan, saling mencurigai antar golongan, menciptakan bahan pergunjingan, maka perlu ditanyakan kembali apa norma atau nilai kepatutan yang menjadi sandarannya? Bahkan seorang siswa rohani dasar pun diberikan filosofi pengekangan diri sebagai pegangan mendasar.]

which translates as:

[No matter whether a spiritual cultivator one-sidedly claims to have a very high supernatural power, when one's attitudes only creates feud, inter-community suspicion, gossip stuff, then it is imperative to re-inquire what kind of norms or propriety that are being used as the reference. Even the novice spiritual cultivators are given the philosophy of self-restraining as a basic role model.

Well? High Supernatural Power?
SZ gave the answer to this one! :)
Level 5 Boddhisattva & above!
Its a natural when One cultivates to that Level too! 

This one can't fake! 

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Look at the stats!
someone in USA is reading the blog articles one by one.
It is obvious from post that it is Single articles that brought up the total to 468
Someone starting to dig into our blogs again?

I sincerely hope that the readers are genuinely trying to learn something by reading these articles and not out to "pick bones" or Core's hunting for Fuel to feed "Vengeful Fires" of their own making! 

Sad that many Truly Have Nothing Better to Do! 

[If You Think You have the Answers to Enlightenment from Shizun, then you are Enlightened, sorry to inform you that You Have Failed the very simple test of No Birth/No Death; No Arise/No Disintegrate.
You also failed to heed Shizun's teachings all these decades, or really didn't understand a wee bit of what Shizun shares with all.
Has Shizun said that his reputation needs to be restored?
Hahaha! You want Shizun to ask you: What reputation? ]

The above part from the article mentioned:-
Compare them with what SZ said recently please.

If you create or start a Fire, with ill intention to burn those you considered as opponents or hindrances to your sentient agenda, this Fire will become Hell's or Mara's Fire that will eventually dispose of YOU only! 

Best stick to what SZ shares and also No Birth/No Death; No Arise/No Disintegrate...
Also try and learn what is "immediate severance of Suffering" ; the current hot topic for Enlightenment Quest! 


O! Disciplines are for the Cultivator personal use as a ruler or guide to stay within their boundaries! They are never for anyone to use to make others unhappy! :)

The very basic purpose of Buddha Dharma is to help all leave suffering and attain happiness! 

SZ said if you are out to harm anyone, you don't need to cultivate further as this is the one and only basic requirement for one to commence in cultivation, at the very bottom rung of 9 Yanas, which is Hinayana.

Are you truly listening to your own Root Guru? :)

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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