Friday, August 9, 2013

Lotuschef on 3rd-Eye Technique

I just returned from chat with AA & family
His son, little DD, can see lights n etc.
I taught him to look at me ...... slowly close his eyes and .....

He saw SZ sitting on my top and many bald heads all around.
He said that I have all kinds of colored lights in me - green blue red yellow purple gold ....

Methods if effective, very easy to learn and use!  :)

BB: Little DD is just like Bing Er :)

PKV: but he already 8 yrs old.

Dear all, kids above 3 years old, normally have their Heavenly or Spiritual Eye shut.
However, our little DD has been sighting Kalachakra; Acala; .... pretty often. 

Teaching him is easy and I used very simple steps only.

His ears are amazingly shaped too! :) 

I omitted the actual procedure of 3rd-eye technique, because Shizun will teach when time is ripe, to all those with affinity. 
Hahaha! All those with Pure Karma has been taught this technique for quite some time already.
Some are busily practicing. 

Shizun as Root Guru, will teach you whatever you need and as per your "level" of understanding and in a language that you will understand.

All you need is to Trust Shizun Absolutely.

O! I have seen Shizun appearing with an entourage of bald-headed personnels in golden yellow and on both sides of the path, seas of bald heads also in golden yellow.
That is when I am chanting the 108 times Guru's mantra during cultivation session. :)

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef 

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