
Monday, July 8, 2013

Review : 华藏世界品第五 Avatamsaka Sutra Book 5 - Flower Bank Worlds

2:55 AM PKV: My dear,
don't give me too much Homework! hehe!
I like to PLAY! :)

7:33 AM AA: Merci fashi dear hahaha.
Oh GM answered in the sermon just now.

7:42 AM PKV: Usage. N basic principles.

5:52 PM PKV: you listed renunciation; boddhicitta; ....hahaha!
they are also ingredients required but in this one, what ingredients should you use? :)
Thats the beauty of Buddha Dharma! 

6:03 PM AA: I'd rather say that in this context, "yi xin bu luan" would be the most needed aspect.
The external appears bright and while internally no disturbing emotion can move you.
I was trying to list them but find it unable since the aspects complement one another.
Hahaha. :)

6:51 PM PKV: yes! they are all inter-locking and like chains of rings that can't be separately discussed.
It is also not too right to say the 'external appears' as this is not true for those with human eye only!
Sight is a really very interesting subject as it is immeasurable and varies from one individual to another too! 
The 5 Eyes!!! hahaha!

6:56 PM AA: Ah that's why no one ever discussed purity as a single entity.We are to ponder and infer by ourselves hahaha.You're right lei, the 5 eyes. Cannot generalise them in this manner.
7:15 PM  PKV: just posted the Chinese version avatamsaka sutra book 5, part of part one.
the rest up to those with affinity to go read
its a long one describing the various worlds in the Flower Realm n not the flower bank as used by translator.
took me about 4 hours to read the english version last week! :)

Dear all, The above Mandalas are some that you can use to "Walk Into" Avamtamsaka Sutra Book 5, in which it describes the various Flower Realm Worlds and their scenic views that are beyond most people's imagination or visualization capabilities! 

The Trick or Key is to put yourself into the CENTRE of this Great Flower Realm and then follows the sutra and STROLL in the Described Direction, One By One, and when you "Meet" with the Buddhas in some of these worlds, "SMILE & SAY [HI]!


Have Fun!!!

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom

Lama Lotuschef

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