
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Lotuschef in Shizun Explains - Rainbow Body Attainment 29


In this video clip, there are various topics.

Let us share some now.

长乐我净[chang le wo jing] = Pure Self Ever Happy
This is a part of High King Avalokitesvara Sutra or commonly to all in TBS - Gao Wang Jing.

Just s short phrase but filled with Dharma flavor! :)

How to be Ever Pure?

Shizun said: Have to cultivate to this Level or Stage and this is Mahamudra Level and into Maha Perfection and Buddhahood.

Therefore we can see how deep is this sutra, that touched Maha Perfection.

Shizun said that we have to deeply enter sutra to understand and learn the teachings.

In Tantrayana as well as Mahayana, there are 3 methods,

One is 止 (zhi) - to Halt.
To halt all Unwholesome thoughts and habits.

Second is 转 (zhuan) - to convert.
That is to Convert all unwholesome thoughts to Wholesome ones.

Third is 随 (sui) - to watch the flow.
To watch One's own unwholesome thoughts float away with the flow of the river and won't enter the flow.
In Maha Perfection and Zen, this is Instant Enlightenment.

Once a person Halts all unwholesome thoughts and worries, One attains a level termed Void (空-kong).
Once Halt means No More, that is Void.

To convert - we use Visualization.

Shizun also said it is beneficial to go to countryside where there are trees and mountains.

Also being on the peak of a mountain, where all above you is the Universal Void, you can easily merge into the Void.

Topic 2 - 法界一如 
All Dharma Realms are One.

Topic 3 - 不思善,不思恶
No thoughts of Kindness and No Thoughts of Evil.

Shizun said that there are no Good or Bad; Right or Wrong, High or Low; More or Less; ...
He brought up the 6th Zen Patriarch's "No thoughts of Kindness and No Thoughts of Evil".
This is Maha Perfection of Oneness.

Just like Buddha & Mara are also One!

Listen to this video and there are much benefits as there are lots of KEYS you can pick up to help you cultivate well.


When #2 loudly states: 你很高!(ni hen gao) [You very High!]

He tell us that he is still very much entangled in SELF & Dualism, agree?

Also his {Be mindful of Disciplines!}; {Cause Havoc to Sangha Assembly}; {Ruin Wisdom Life of others}; {taking Legal Actions against Defamators};....

Dear readers, do you agree with Shizun's teachings of Voiding All or do you support Core's Aggressive Drive to seek revenge?

Is there any Revenge to seek? In Shizun's postiion? In Core's View?

Bear in Mind Always that TBS is a Buddhist Assembly that is Suppose To Practice Buddha's teachings, Prioritizing Boddhicitta for all and to execute with Universal Wisdom. :)

What should your answer be?

O! Remember also to apply [Putting yourself into other's position], that is Mutual Exchange of Personalities, a part of Boddhicitta taught by Serlingpa to Atisha.

After you watch the above video, you will be very sure of Your view and only one too.

Hehe! What is in Core's announcement should be much much clearer now, correct?

Did Lotuschef wronged Core? :)

Did Core wrongfully accused Lotuschef?

Did Core falsely announced statements which they alleged to be from Shizun?

Do you agree that Core's fund raising to silence the Media and those that Defame Shizun are all Frivolous and Not in Tandem with Buddha's Teachings?

Remember that Lotuschef said that [When you find the way to be happy and stay happy always and also sharing that happiness around, you have cultivated well.] :)

Lotuschef and Pure Karma will like to express Great Gratitude to #2 & All Core's members for acting the Mara,  to aid us all in Cultivation.

Merci beaucoup! 感恩!Motto Garcia! Arigato!

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Sidhhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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