
Thursday, July 4, 2013

Lotuschef on Charred Face Ghost King Said These

Terjemahan Indonesia: Raja Setan Bermuka Terbakar Mengatakan Ini
English Summary Translation by Lama Lotuschef 

{{ Would you care to elaborate why this disciple heart is "fickle"?
I used google translate to get a rough translation of this article.
And what is being written in the painting?
Xye2 fashi dear :) }}

The Poem in this picture:
Seeking dreams in Summer in Light Clothing
Entering Heaven's Hall in dreams are the Happiest
There is No Suffering in Essential of Food, Clothing, Residence and Mobility
Not bothered about what is what in the Saha World.

The student in the context of the story is Not Fickle minded.

The one in the article that Shizun saved from the Ghost King, is a repeated offender for past 10 lifetime! That's why Ghost King wants to take him.

[[ 第一,這個人的身後來了焦面鬼王,表示他不久人間,可能會猝死。因為焦面鬼王捉人,通常是抓「大伽」的。


SZ describes his features as exhibited and even asked him "Why he became like that?"

1. Charred face ghost king follows this student, means this person can't live long and will die of sudden death of unknown cause. Because he is one of the [Great People] that the ghost king normally catches.

2. This student's features, protruding eyes; black face; fierce eyes with violence visible; eyes; ears; nose; mouth twisted, [反骨凸出 - appearance of Betrayal Signs]; already exhibited "looks of Hell".

{{ 焦面鬼王要捉他,是我護了他。

SZ said that ghost king wants to catch him but SZ protected him.
Sometimes good intention results in opposite effects.
There are times that SZ purposely protect students, Really bring about MORE opposite effects.
Affinity is the truly the factor of inter-personal relationship or interaction.

Sentient beings' heart is easy to sway.
When this student's heart changed, SZ protect him, protect him from not being taken away by ghost king, protect him from harm, in the end, SZ got hit or betrayed.

[[ 我雖然得知了許多真相,包括內在的,或外在的,甚至無限的。

SZ said that although he knows of many Truths, including Internal and external nature, even infinite ones. But he faces all these honestly!
He said he always don't have any fear, also no thoughts of HURTING people, this is his way!

Saha world is but a Show/Movie/Drama. 
Everything will come to Pass!


Dear all, 
What did you picked up from this article of Guru's? :)

1. Most important is that Guru is always and infinitely Compassionate to All.
2. Knowing that certain students are Greatly Evil and even Persistently So, he still saves them
3. Being Betrayed by these students that he saved, he also VOID all and continue with Life Happily
4. Guru truly knows all with a glance!
5. He is able to Negotiate on student's behalf too.


I sincerely hope that those that Don't understand why Guru kept all those Evil people by his sides and don't take any action to remove them, Now has some understanding of Guru's Heart.

If I remember correctly, this is 2010 June, and lots of Singaporean students went to Taiwan to celebrate Guru's birthday.

Aura Reading!
Hahaha! Interesting tidbit here!
Guru said Thubten Ksiti can read All about those VMs sitting beside him!

All these "Abilities" are inherent in all of us, and will "Appear" when we cultivate Diligently to Buddhahood! :)

Don't be Jealous of those that Cultivated well; You can do it too!
What Guru can, you can too, if you Listen attentively to Guru and Cultivate accordingly! 

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom

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