
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Nyingma - The Nine Yanas 宁玛派 -圆满九次第 [3]

The Pratyekabuddhas

‘Independent buddhas’ (rang rgyal-ba’i theg-pa), from the orthodox Nyingma viewpoint of the Nine Yanas attain a ‘limited’ realisation without relying on a teacher in the current lifetime, though he/she may have had teachers in past lives.

She/he meditates on dependent origination (rten ‘brel). Phenomena only arise as a result of causes and conditions. There is no prime cause. Contemplating death and the causes of suffering he/she ponders the twelve modes of dependent origination (rten-cing ‘brel-bar ‘byung-ba’i tshul bcu-gnyis). This leads him/her to find the misery of samsara originates in ignorance. These are:

1. Ignorance (ma-rig-pa) is the condition for habitual tendencies;
2. Habitual tendencies or samskara(‘du-byed) are the conditions for consciousness;
3. Consciousness (rnam-shes) is the condition for the name and form;
4. Name and form (ming-dang gzugs) is the condition for the six senses;
5. Six senses (skye-mched drug) are the condition for contact;
6. Contact (reg-pa) is the condition for feeling;
7. Feeling (tshor-ba) is the condition for emotional love/craving;
8. Emotional love/craving (sred-pa) is the condition for grasping;
9. Grasping is the condition for existing;
10. Existing is the condition for birth;
11. Birth is the condition for old age and death;
12. Old age and death is the condition for ignorance; and so on.


Individuals and particles of matter are empty of true existence but moments of consciousness are real. Thus selfllessness is realised fully but only partially the selflessness of phenomena. This characterises the Sautratantika School (mdo sde pa).

Contemplation of the 12 dependent links in reverse order.

Fruit and Action
The goal is personal salvation so others are not taught but may be inspired by the siddhis resulting from practice. 

The practitioner ultimately becomes an Arhat but in this system, it is considered that it is not complete Buddhahood.


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