
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Lotuschef at Play - Lets Have Fun!

The Truth is often too hard to swallow! 

The following links are announcement posted by Core and the links were email by a fellow student half an hour ago.

[[Hi fashi,

Core release the news today.
We will continue with you and GM.






Summary translation: 
Core alleged that the article they Perceived as Detrimental to the Image of TBS by Sentient Beings is the cause of their current action as they demanded that this article be amended.

They alleged that more such articles were published on Lotuschef's blogs, despite their warning!
The members of small Core group discussed and Decide to Cancel Ms Lotuschef's reverend status, and not reverend of TBS and all her actions has not relation to TBS whatsoever.




世界真佛宗宗務委員會 謹啟

Translated summary:

Core asked Root Guru, Living Buddha Lian Sheng: If ordained personnel do not accept <Core> humble advice repeatedly. Because they FEEL that they are ordained by Guru and only listen to Guru.

Guru said: IF reverend DO NOT ABIDE RULES OF SECTOR, RESULTING IN ORDAINED GROUP BEING AFFECTED, Core can remove their Reverend status!

Dear all, 
Read the above carefully, and make your own deductions please.

You can also refer to the article: Leave TBS....

You can also refer to all related articles on this saga initiated by Core or more accurately the name successor who has shown he is the one that Authored 22 Sepetember 2012 statements alleging them to be from Guru!

Do we see the same pattern in the above "style of writing"?

Remember the current ongoing series, Body Speech Mind? :)

Remember, we are students of Living Buddha Lian Sheng.
Guru said many times that to remind the Enlgihtened ones and the successor to make sure they are reasonable and don't shout or yell.

Ordained by Root Guru? 
What does Ordination means? 
The most accurate or defined version? 
Ordination is a Renouncement of all sentient matters, and vow to cultivate to succor all sentient beings and relieve their sufferings and HELP them find Happiness, agree?

What do we see in this small group called Core? Hahaha!

The above announcement are expected of a group of non-buddha's disciples, "exercising" their Muscles and not their Minds, agree?

Remember I shared the 8 Respect vows 八敬法?
Buddha said: when one is not worthy of our respect, we can don't respect them!

The blogs are private and if you take exception then don't read and order your lackeys not to read too! 
If you don't understand, then don't try and suppress others that understand!

Can anyone stop a student and Guru "astral chat"?
Can anyone prevent you from Guru Yoga, except yourself?
Events also are opened to All and no one has authority to prevent anyone from walking in on any such events hosted by Guru!

If you strike, then you initiated Karmic forces outwards from ONE point and be prepared to see this Return to YOU from ALL OVER at greater speed and strength.
This is the Universal Law of Karma! 

Don't forget Human Rights Laws though, we might take you unaware, but we are compassionate and give you ample warning!

As for the Tok Chef issue, these announcement has brought us more determine to take action against Tok Chef!

Therefore, have you Yoga with Guru? Obviously NOT YET!

Well, as Guru said will give signal to "Leave TBS"!

First Guru announced his pending retirement, now these small group acting in this ridiculous way to get rid of someone they perceived as a Threat to their self-proclaimed statuses. 

Dear all, Pure Karma and Lotuschef would like to thank this small group of sentient beings in Core that they gave us the Go-Ahead to start Pure Karma School!!!

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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