
Monday, June 10, 2013

Lotuschef at Play : Endorsement from Shizun 师尊认证

There are light orbs in abundance at the 8 June 2013 Medan's event. Do you agree these are Astral Endorsement from Guru and Universe?

The above is offering of Fragrances.

The above is at the beginning of Individual Offering when participants are issued with a Lotus Offering each and doing their own sincere offering and at the same time, practicing talking to Shizun! SEE the light orbs presence? Are they successful in reaching Shizun at least? YES!

Look at all the obs present? 

What endorsement do you need in order to have endorsement from one's root guru in Tantrayana?


Write to Your Root Guru?
GO seek a personal audience?

:) This is what Samaya is all about! 

A One to One or Heart to Heart with One's own Root Guru!!!

What can any one do to you when you have a constant and permanent link to your root guru?
Can anyone block a Buddha from others? NO! 

Lets say you can speak many languages, at a pronouncement from some ignorant, will you lose the abilities of languages you know?

Same principle with cultivation, what you have cultivated and attained, NO ONE can Denounced!

Core chairman's  move to "sack" Lotuschef as a TBS' reverend actually severed his own Much Craved Future of taking control of his fabrication of TBS! 

His TBS differ much from the True Buddha / Universal version! 

In the Leave TBS article, Lotus Steven said: when he discover his One & Only True Buddha, Leaving or Not Leaving TBS also doesn't matter anymore!!! Amazing!!!

This article that Core picked Fault at,  is either TOO ZEN for Core's chairman and team or they just pick any article and apply their own pronunciation to find fault and attempt to hostilely evict anyone that they perceived as a Threat to their lucrative business of suckering sentient beings that buy their "goods"! 

Happy Cultivating!!!

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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