
Monday, June 10, 2013

Lotuschef at Play - 身口意 Body Speech Mind [5]

Lotuschef at Play - Mr Tok Chef at it again!!! Hahaha!

Dear all, Have you noticed that the as good as Anonymous, Tok Chef, has a certain pattern to his comments? 

He has a Distinct Habit of Repeating Himself!!! :)

When Lian Ning came from behind me, he shouted : Are you Lian Chu? Are you Lian chu?...

Then he asked me TWICE:- Did you received Core' letter? 

[ I not only received, but scan and posted it into blog to show all core's letter!]

Hahaha! Yes! I am that Upfront and Honest and really have no need to hide hide behind a fabricated Name to Slander, Defame, Threaten, Intimidate, Predict Doom, Reveal his next step of action, .....

Well the Repetition is a Distinct sign of a Liar, trying to tell himself that what he said is the Truth!!!

That means he is Trying Very Very Hard to Convince HIMSELF, he is speaking the TRUTH!!!

Well, I shared Body Language of Liars previously in this blog as well.

Buddha's 5 Wisdom is to be use this way, 

to Observe -- gather data

to Analyze -- sort and categorize data

to Conclude -- make a Decision on Appropriate form of action

to Execute -- solve existing problem!

Dear Tok Chef, 
The contents of your comments are not important at all! 
The way you have been pasting or plastering them, so that you can draw more attention to hostile and criminal actions, tell all that you very much WANTS TO BE CREDIBLE!!!

However, you have failed dismally where the Wise Ones are concern.

The ones like Mr William Tan that thinks you are Authority and bows to you, are really those like you and Core's subordinates that Truly and Really Needs to Wake Up! 

Why waste such a precious and rare opportunity of having a True Buddha as a Root Guru/
Why give yourself over to people that still playing in Sentient Mud?

For those interested, Pure Karma's Medan Event has a total Participation rate of 210! 
A new record high for Pure Karma! 
More than recent Ipoh's event of 135! 

The above are scenes from preparation of the individual lotus offerings!

There's a bright light orb in this photo below; we are blessed!

Who Yoga & Who Didn't? 


If you are comparing, then you should First pay great attention to What Your Body Speech Mind Reveal to Others, 
Who you are, 
How much Affirmed Level of Buddha Dharma and Cultivation you have, 
How much stableness you have, to not react instantaneously to Any Stimuli, ....

Hilarious right?

Why do you need to constantly use harsh words and also think you have the authority to dictate others actions?
Why do you give yourself over completely to your poisonous demons of Greed, Aversion, Ignorance, without fail?

For Core's team and chairman and all that thinks like Core, TIME TO REFLECT if you still want to blame others for your own failure to cultivate well; 
suppress those that you classed as "Number One Cultivators that strictly abide by disciplines" ; Demoralizing them with "Also loose out to Guru's care-givers" and 
further adding another punch with your ignorance, stating that Guru's care-givers don't cultivate also can get Guru's merits, very auspicious"!

Then Pray Tell, why take refuge and why learn to cultivate?

Pray tell, who is actually severing others' Wisdom Lives?

Pray tell also, who is misleading and teaching others against Guru's and Buddha's?

See all the photos from Pure Karma's fire puja?

I am sure those with True Wisdom will not believe what you said against Lotuschef and Pure Karma!

How then can such a chairman and his team continue to lead others in a True Buddha Assembly?

Rethink what you are currently doing and the direction you and your followers are heading.

Can you truly grasp and control you version of True Buddha School?


Are you enlightened or it is Lotuschef that is truly wise?
Have you not catch on to what all your actions, explained by Lotuschef, will result in?
Universal Wisdom? Smell any? Touch any? See any? :)

If the continued presence of Light Orbs is not good enough endorsement from Guru and all Universe, then what is? :)

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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