
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Lotuschef in Chat - Enlightened or Start to Blunder

Terjemahan Indonesia: Lotuschef Bercakap-cakap – Tercerahkan atau malah mulai membuat kesalahan besar?
Chinese Version: 莲厨聊天 - 开悟或开误
Posts from Central Committee translated by Lama Lotuschef

#2said:You very high! Pay attention to Disciplines!
Then he quickly walk away.

Me: You understand Disciplines?
I found that he about 2 meters away already!


This [You very high!] is not that simple!

Still remember the announcement that Core posted, claiming it to be from Guru about Disciplines or Samaya, spoken after lunch one day?

Please read: Guru's Statements [1]

Source: 密教弟子應嚴守三昧耶戒


7. Even for those top cultivators that abide discipline strictly, also loose out to those that single heartedly serve or care for Guru. Even if they have no time to spare to cultivate, can also receive Guru’s merits, this is very auspicious.

8. When Students made mistakes, it is only right to accept Guru's reprimands. If students were to breach Samaya vows, there will be Dharmapalas to enforce Disciplines, causing these errant students to be send to Hell upon their demise.

10. 十、凡認為自己法力第一,功德第一,智慧第一的行者,認為自己成就非凡而忘卻根本傳承者,此人早已被魔挾持。
10. Those yogi who feel that their Dharma powers are topmost; Merits are topmost; Wisdom is topmost; achievements are unparalleled and forget Root Lineage, these people are already under control or taken hostage by Mara.


Do you noticed this is an enlightened one or one that starts to make mistakes?

Very High, Number One, also loose out to, ...etc.
Moreover, Disciplines, Samaya, ... etc.

Ain't these two as good as [One}? Hahaha!

Therefore, #2 has exposed his "horse leg" already! ((means - exposed himself as the Author of the Statements posted by Core, but alleged to be Guru's Statements on 22 September 2012.))
This can be said as: Don't beat but self confessed!

If there is HIGH, then there is LOW, have FIRST then have LAST, concur?

This is Differentiation mindset.

Enlightenment includes 6th Zen Patriach's [Middle Path Concepts, No Differentiation.

Therefore, Enlightenment is told to him by Guru out of Compassion, agree?
However, during the same dharma speech that Guru gave, Guru said that [Lineage Gurus said that Enlightenment cannot tell.....].


We have witnessed, [Enlightenment] truly cannot from [external sources], must be from Self [Realization]!

#2 fundamental is [starts to blunder/make mistakes] already!
Still continue to be within [Lost/Puzzled], concur?

Dear readers, do you all think that I need to waste time with him, and at the same time [accompany him] to play frivolous/pointless sentient games?


Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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