
Monday, May 20, 2013

Lotuschef at Play – With Criminal Intent [1]

Terjemahan Indonesia: Lotuschef Bermain-main – Dengan Niat Kejahatan Kriminal [1]

Extracts from Facebook of Lama Lotuschef / Francesca Poon 

[Today: May 20, 2013]

Tok Chef (friends with Master Zhen) commented on Lotuschef Lama's post: "我祈請偉大的師尊佛光注照蓮廚法師的心,讓她懂她現在 發生何事,祈請真佛護法引蓮廚法師回歸正途。" 9:33am

Tok Chef (friends with Master Zhen) commented on Lotuschef Lama's post: "我祈請偉大的師尊佛光注照蓮廚法師的心,讓她懂她現在 發生何事,祈請真佛護法引蓮廚法師回歸正途。" 9:33am

Tok Chef (friends with Master Zhen) commented on Lotuschef Lama's post: "我祈請偉大的師尊佛光注照蓮廚法師的心,讓她懂她現在 發生何事,祈請真佛護法引蓮廚法師回歸正途。" 9:33am

Tok Chef (friends with Master Zhen) commented on Lotuschef Lama's post: "我祈請偉大的師尊佛光注照蓮廚法師的心,讓她懂她現在 發生何事,祈請真佛護法引蓮廚法師回歸正途。" 9:33am

Tok Chef (friends with Master Zhen) commented on Lotuschef Lama's post: "我祈請偉大的師尊佛光注照蓮廚法師的心,讓她懂她現在 發生何事,祈請真佛護法引蓮廚法師回歸正途。" 9:33am

[Yesterday: May 19, 2013]

Tok Chef (friends with Master Zhen) likes your post. 4:07pm

Tok Chef (friends with Master Zhen) commented on Lotuschef Lama's post: "蓮戒=犯戒 因爲師尊已先看到。。。 ..." 4:07pm

[Per May 18, 2013]

Tok Chef (friends with Master Zhen) likes your post. 5:20pm

Tok Chef (friends with Master Zhen) commented on Lotuschef Lama's post. 2:02pm

Tok Chef likes Lotuschef Lama 10:31am


Worked at Microsoft Developer

Studied at Harward university

Lives in Redmond, Washington

From Seattle, Washington


Dear all, these are the documentary evidences that Tok Chef provided.

Look closely at [Studied at Harward university], there is NO Harward university as spelt with a W!
Fake from the beginning. Guru also told me that he don't have HARVARD at all! 

Harvard is famous for Business & Law! 
Americans are very high on Human Rights too! 

Please Note that Pure Karma Vihara and Lotuschef are all PRIVATE ENTITIES! 

The account Tok Chef was opened an hour after Pure Karma Vihara's article - Lotuschef in Chat - Highest Offering 最高供养. 

In your opinion, has Tok Chef shown enough and hinted at enough to Constitute Criminal Intent of "personal harm" to Pure Karma Vihara & Lotuschef Lama/Reverend?

Is there Persistent Stalking; Persecution; Defamatory; Threatening; ... Intent?


What action should Pure Karma Vihara & Lotuschef take to halt Tok Chef's flagrant Criminal activities? 
Please advice. 
You can email to Pure Karma Vihara at

Tok Chef or even Anonymous can be easily traced via their IPs, and why use a bogus name?

There is a Chinese saying: 大丈夫,行不改名,坐不改姓! "A big man, while walking does not change the name, and while sitting does not change the surname."
Means a great person is upfront, true, responsible, and won't use falsehood!

A person who has been lording over others for decades causing great suffering should really take a minute back to ponder, can you continue to do so?

A person who has been suppressed for decades, should also take a minute back to ponder, should I continue to be suppressed?

I hope you all will Realize, if you all have no craving for any sentient materials or you all reduce your lists of "Wants" & "Must Have" ; you all are actually learning "Let Go" and gradually total Renunciation.

Also hope you all will eventually realize that YOU all are Crucial for decision on Your Own Destiny, and not your External Environment! 

This is from my favorite Diamond Sutra, the sutra that I carved on a huge golden rock wall, in one of my previous visits to this realm.
You Can Void All, When You Have No More Attachments or Needs of Sentient Materials! 

Renunciation is not only for the True Sanghas, but everyone can practice this at their own comfort level!

Cheers all.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef


  • Posted a new post on their blog - Let's read it ^^

    The Collection of Writings and Journals by Lotuschef Lama [ 释莲廚 ] - Student of Living Buddha Lian Sheng 圣尊莲生活佛门下弟子. Om Guru Lian-Sheng Siddhi Hom. 嗡。咕嚕。蓮生。悉地。吽!
    What is Highest Offering? 何为最高供养? Offering of Body, Speech, Mind and topmost Nature! 供养 身、口、意、和 最高的 性! Nature = Buddha Nature 性 = 佛性 Offering One's purified [Body, Speech and Mind] comes from diligent ...

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