
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

五路财神 Fortune Deities of the 5 directions

Terjemahan Indonesia: Dewa Kekayaan dari 5 Penjuru

During Happy hours at Mcdonalds this evening, LL asked me about the above deities.
He said many years ago, there is a fellow student who claimed that he can see all 5 of these fortune deities and he drew them on paper to show other students.

I guess most students who were present should be Woo-ing and Ah-ing in Admiration, correct?
Even those who read up to here will be the same, even wishing they are present to see these drawings of the 5 fortune deities.

Do not mix these with those from the Heavenly Realms.
These are Fortune Deities that normally mixed up with the Heavenly ones.

The one that they pluck 5 colored flags around a rounded container, usually filled with rice, are just like Earth Deities, which are spirits with Fu-pao, auspicious merits, enough to be some sort of officer or magistrate but not enough to be in the Heavenly realms.

They will shunt you when you are dark with lots of negative karmic energy.

Anyway, in Buddhist conceptual outlook, the 5 fortune deities seen by the fellow student, appeared to him thus.
However, Buddha's Non-Constant applies here too.

These 5 will appear to someone else differently.

Actually the best gauge of any deities is to be able to see how much light energy they can "project" and not the facial and etc. that you see depicted in the pictures above.

Hahaha! Am I talking rubbish?

In Higher Tantra, there is No Constant or Fixed form or shape. All appears as energy bodies of different brightness level only.

See figures clearly and drawing them like those above, you are very far from Yoga and at this stage you are easily led astray and be entangled by what you see all the time. :)

Cheers all.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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