
Saturday, March 2, 2013

华严经 Avatamsaka Sutra: Book 1, Part 1.7 – Review

The VM who grabbed me by the sleeve and gave me an "enlightening" speech, actually told me something very interesting! :)

She said that I was imagining all the chats with Guru. They are manifested from my spiritual and mental processes!

If you truly follow through all that I have written and also this wondrous sutra to date, you will realize that she has yet to Yoga with Guru.

Guru said in late 2009 while I was still in Seattle, at Rainbow Villa after fire puja, that Padmakumara is everywhere. You just need to call "shizun, please help me", and he will help you, anywhere and at anytime!

That was more than 3 years ago and it seems what Guru said really didn't sink in or penetrate this person's brain.

In this sutra, Buddha/Buddhas are everywhere, guiding all sentient beings towards Happiness and eventual Nirvana!

I wrote about part of what this VM said to me in: You are What You Say [2].

Hahaha! There's more, as she hung on to me for more than 30 minutes! :)

Just that reading this sutra and this particular part, rings memory's bell.

Mindsets and Concepts are truly not easy for many to understand.
Guru gave us the Key to understanding and cultivating well at Xiang Hua Chapter yet again!

Purity清净 is the Key.
People with too much sentient cravings can never achieve True Yoga with any Divinities.

Needless to say, when Guru pointed out that those sitting beside him with hats, all out for any one who has won lottery, wanting a piece of the winnings for their own.

Possession of sentient materials is very high in their agendas, agree?

Still the same humble advice, if you are truly serious in cultivation, please give these people a wide berth. Stay far away from them and do not listen to them, just listen to Guru is more than enough for anyone sincere in cultivation.

Cheers all. Stay with me through our journey into this wondrous sutra. :)

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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