
Saturday, March 9, 2013

华严经 Avatamsaka Sutra Book 1 Part 1:16

Book 1 Part 1:16

The Buddha's virtues are boundless No beings hear of them in vain He causes them to be free from suffering and always happy: This is what Seasonal Flowers enters into.

The powers of the Buddha are all complete— His array of virtues appears in the world And all sentient beings are harmonized: To this fact Courageous Power can witness.

The Buddha cultivated an ocean of compassion, His heart always as broad as the whole world; Therefore his spiritual powers are boundless: Increasing Vitality can see this.

Buddha always appears throughout the world; None of his methods are employed in vain, Clearing away beings' delusions and torments: This is the liberation of Universal Producer.

Buddha is the great ocean of knowledge in the world, Emanating pure light which reaches everywhere, Whence is born all great faith and resolution: Thus can Adorned Topknot clearly enter.

Buddha, observing the world, conceives kind compassion, Appearing in order to aid sentient beings, Showing them the supreme way of peace and joy: This is the liberation of Pure Flowers.

The pure practices cultivated by Buddha Are fully expounded under the tree of enlightenment, Thus edifying everyone in all quarters: This Wonderful Fragrance can hear.

Buddha, in all worlds, Brings freedom from sorrow, creating great joy; All potentials and aspirations he purifies: The spirit Pleasing understands this.

The Buddha appears in the world, Observes the inclinations of all beings, And matures them by various means: This is the liberation of Pure Light.

Furthermore, the herb spirit Auspicious found the door of liberation observing the mentalities of all sentient beings and striving to unify them.

The herb spirit Sandalwood Forest found the door of liberation embracing all sentient beings with light and causing those who see it not to waste the experience.

The herb spirit Pure Light found the door of liberation able to annihilate the afflictions of all sentient beings by pure techniques.

The herb spirit Universal Renown found the door of liberation able to increase the boundless ocean of good roots by means of a great reputation.

The herb spirit Radiant Pores found the door of liberation hurrying to all sites of illness with the banner of great compassion.

The herb spirit Darkness Destroying Purifier found the door of liberation able to cure all blind sentient beings and cause their eye of wisdom to be clear.

The herb spirit Roarer found the door of liberation able to expound the verbal teaching of the Buddha explaining the different meanings of all things.

The herb spirit Banner of Light Outshining the Sun found the door of liberation able to be the advisor of all sentient beings, causing all who see to produce roots of goodness.

The herb spirit Seeing in All Directions found the door of liberation of the mine of pure compassion able to make beings give rise to faith and resolve by means of appropriate techniques.

The herb spirit Everywhere Emanating Majestic Light found the door of liberation causing beings to remember Buddha, thereby eliminating their sicknesses.

At that time the herb spirit Auspicious, imbued with power from the Buddha, looked over all the herb spirits and said,

The Buddha's knowledge is inconceivable— He knows the minds of all sentient beings, And by the power of various techniques Destroys their delusions and infinite pains.

The Great Hero's skills cannot be measured; Nothing he does is ever in vain, Unfailingly causing the suffering of beings to vanish: Sandalwood Forest can understand this.

Observe the Buddha's teaching like so: He practiced for innumerable eons And has no attachment to anything: This is the entry of Pure Light.

A Buddha is hard to meet, in a million ages; If any can see one or hear one's name, It will unfailingly bring benefit: This is the understanding of Universal Renown.

Each of the Buddha's hair pores Emits light annulling distress, Causing wordly afflictions to end: This is the entry of Radiant Pores.

All sentient beings are blinded by ignorance, With an infinite variety of miseries from deluded actsBuddha clears it all away and opens the radiance of wisdom: This Darkness Breaker can see.

One tone of the Buddha has no limiting measure— It can open up the ocean of all teachings So that all who hear can comprehend: This is the liberation of Great Sound.

See how Buddha's knowledge is inconceivable— Appearing in all realms he saves beings there, Able to make those who see follow his teaching: This Outshining the Sun deeply understands.

Buddha's ocean of compassionate means Is produced to help the world, Opening the right path wide to show beings: This Seeing in All Directions can comprehend.

Buddha emits great light all around Illumining all in the ten directions, Causing virtue to grow as the Buddha's remembered: This is the liberation door of Majestic Light.

Furthermore, the forest spirit Spreading Flowers like Clouds found the door of liberation of the repository of the vast, boundless sea of knowledge.

The forest spirit Outstanding Trunk Unfolding Light found the door of liberation of great cultivation and universal purification.

The forest spirit Bearing Branches Emitting Radiant Light found the door of liberation increasing the growth of all sorts of sprouts of pure faith.

The forest spirit Auspicious Pure Leaves found the door of liberation arrayed with all pure virtues.

The forest spirit Draped Flame Treasury found the door of liberation of universal wisdom always viewing the entire cosmos.

The forest spirit Pure Arrays of Light found the door of liberation knowing the ocean of all sentient beings' activities and producing and spreading clouds of teaching.

The forest spirit Pleasant Thunder found the door of liberation enduring all unpleasant sounds and producing pure sounds.

The forest spirit Light and Fragrance All-Pervading found the door of liberation showing the vast realm of practices cultivated and mastered in the past.

The forest spirit Subtle Light Shining Far found the door of liberation benefiting the world by means of all virtuous qualities.

The forest spirit Flowers and Fruits Savoring of Light found the door of liberation able to cause all to see the Buddha appearing in the world, to always remember with respect and never forget, and adorn the mine of virtues.

At that time the forest spirit Spreading Flowers like Clouds, imbued with power from the Buddha, looked over all the forest spirits and said,

In the past Buddha cultivated enlightening practices; His virtue and wisdom are thoroughly complete, He has all powers fully in command Emitting great light, he appears in the world.

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