
Saturday, March 9, 2013

5 Great Achievement Practices [2]

LC: I actually wanted to write about use the seed syllable and mantra for
healing and Guru's 5 great achievements method of the 5 colors of
light for blessing.

too carried away by the avatamsaka sutra liao that I wrote a special
review instead of the healing n blessing methods!

Going for dinner with C & H soon, so have to abandon writing
liao for now. Maybe later! :)

Cheers all

[After dinner]
  1. 5 Great Achievement Practices [1]
  2. Lotuschef at Play – True Acharya Test
I wrote them liao. the 2nd one is a real naughty n evil one!



AA: Wehehehe. Second article is really something! At least looking back at the definition of "acharya" should make all people contemplate.

Btw, what's "xi zhen huai zhu bao"?


LC: This is how to pronounce the 5 words of purify. enhance, affinity, suppress, dharma treasure la.


AA: Actually his 5 grand karma sadhanas are complete by themselves to achieve whatever wishes, just like those of other yidams.
I've never known them until you showed me the mudras during the dinner when we first met hahaha.


LC: Well, Guru taught these to them for ages n yet they don't know how to use them!
How sad!!!

Just these 5-color lights will do the necessary!
The ultimate are just right in front of their eyes, and yet they don't know how to appreciate them!!!


At least u now know why I used the 5 colors profusely!!!

I am naughty and very evil, right???
Hehehe...who cares?


Dear all, YES! The Ultimate about Tantrayana is truly Simplicity.
Because Buddha wishes to let all be happy, therefore he has immeasurable ways to let each one learn easily so as to stay happy! 

The above practice is always transmitted with Padmakumara as Principle Yidam of the event.
I received this Abhiseka many times during fire puja or when Guru does his rounds of various chapters world-wide! 

Well, however, sorry to disappoint you, to use this practice effectively, you need to clear your Karmic slate and also cultivate Preliminaries; then of course, the most important Key is Guru Yoga! 

Hahaha! Can you imagine how comic you will be if you draw and nothing happens? :)

You should feel a tinkling sensation as the Light energy passes through your fingers from Universe and also transferring to the respective person.

Also, if a certain finger tinkles more, this person lacks that particular item very much and appropriate advice should be given to rectify the deficiency. 

Read Avatamsaka Sutra properly?
All the characteristics of Buddha are enumerated as you read on.
Therein lies enlightenment if you so die-hard on becoming Enlightened!!! :) 

[From Book 1 Part 1:15 --- Appearing in all worlds, Knowing the capacities and desires of all beings, Buddha expounds for them the ocean of truths....

The realm of the Buddhas cannot be conceived— It is equal to the cosmos and space ... ]

Cheers all.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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