
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Lotuschef in Chat - Self Secret

1. Hi Fashi, FYI. Amituofo,

[The letter from Core, I received thru email @6:46pm 4-2-2013]

2. hi all, this is the one n targeting the leave TBS to find True Buddha

3. Wow, later tell us / publish it into blog ya Fashi. Wanna know what does it say

5. I re-read those articles again about leaving TBS and I don't find any problem to comprehend them all.

GM has ever said: I've given you the keys, now when you don't and can't understand them, it's your turn to pray to the Buddhas-Bodhisattvas to help you show the meaning.
--- actually he tells us to cultivate to clear the karmic hindrances to a certain level until the comprehension comes by itself.

Really the same as per the statement I share with you from Wiki - "self secret"

6. Yes. Guru's latest speech said exactly this.
Your karmic hindrances block your buddha nature from showing only!

Tomorrow, the hoo haa should escalate!
They didn't think that I am honest to sharing their letter online?
or they think they can then show they are in-charge?

however, the wordings are pretty gentle and they praise my "hot-hearted" support of Guru n TBS!

they want me to change content to preserve the "hui-ming" means wisdom life of all sentient beings!
so I must write with them in mind, to make them understand!

Guru blew their covers! by saying it's their own karmic hindrances, on Saturday!

Guru and I are working hand in hand? Who wants to know? :)

Dear all, 
One has to understand that Karma is of one's own responsibility.

One has also to know, that when self is lacking in wisdom, look inwards for answers and put effort to correct what ever is deficient. 

One has eventually to know that the World won't stop for those that don't put in effort to help themselves.

One has to understand that they are 84,000 Dharma Doorways to solve your problem too.

Perhaps Core can gather all those that don't understand to attend a Dharma speech by me to help them? :)

Perhaps all those that don't understand can save me time by writing their queries to [].

Don't say don't know how to email as,  if they don't know, then they also don't know how to access articles on my blog, right? :)

No Cause then No Effect! 

After 21-12-2012, the so-predicted Doomsday, the Age of Spiritual Enlightenment begins.
As Guru said, there will be lots of Dharma Kings surfacing from TBS! 
Bear these in mind. 

Cheers all.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom

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