
Thursday, February 14, 2013

慧命 / Ayasmant - Wisdom Life


1. 谓具寿命。又作具寿。乃对有德比丘之尊称。摩诃僧祇律卷十三(大二二·三三二下):‘佛住舍卫城时,慧命罗侯罗到。’(参阅‘具寿’3079)



1. 指弘传的佛法。佛教以智慧为法身的寿命,智慧夭,则法身亡,故云慧命。 宋 张商英 《护法论》:“如斯人也,使之侍君,则佞其君,絶佛种性,断佛慧命。” 清 钱谦益 《毛子晋六十寿序》:“吾友 萧伯玉 、 范质公 议藏《大藏》方册, 子晋 誓愿荷担,续佛慧命。皮纸骨笔,不遑恤也。”

2. 引申指人的智慧所注。 清 周亮工 《书陈石门再游燕台诗后》:“过数日又復袖去,盖恐僕患难中匆匆遗失,断人慧命, 石门 之意何深歟!”

3. 僧人的尊称。 唐 道宣 《四分律行事钞》卷下:“下座称上座为尊者,上座尊下座为慧命。”


Āyasmant (adj.) [Sk. āyuṣmant, the P. form showing as- similation of u to a] lit. old, i. e. venerable; used, either as adj. or absolute as a respectful appellation of a bhikkhu of some standing (cp. the semantically identical thera). 

āyasmantu : [adj.] venerable. (lit. having a long life).

Extracted from above:-

Means Dharmakaya relies on Wisdom as Life Force/Strength.
Like the Human Form relies on Food and Drink to Grow, the Dharmakaya needs to rely on Wisdom to Grow.

Buddhism relies on Wisdom as Dharmakaya's Life Span, Wisdom dies, then Dharmakaya dies, thus termed as Wisdom Life.

Hahaha! Wanted to explain this one for quite some time, especially after receipt of letter from Core, advising me not to break or severe Wisdom Lives of sentient beings!

If you read my articles and especially the one : [You are what you say!]; you will realized  the relevant "wisdom". for cultivation. 
These are mainly what I classified as Mindsets!

1. The VM that said cannot take Flash Photos of Guru as the camera's flashes hurt Guru's eyes and cause great discomfort! However, this is Not True! A Living Buddha has all the 5 Eyes, and also plenty of Dharmapalas by his sides. Camera flashes DO NOT cause any discomfort to a True Buddha.
People with Heavenly eyes onwards, do not get affected by camera flashes at all!
Go check out the hundreds of camera flashes that went off in Jakarta last year, video recording shown at the Thanks Giving Dinner, of the day's activities.
Don't take my words for it! :)

Truth is that this VM presumed that Guru is affected similarly by camera flashes LIKE HIM!

2. The VM that said that Guru has proprietary rights to Buddha Dharma!
Her statements were immediately refuted by Guru!

My humble advice to all, if you do not want to show the world your lacking of wisdom, please do not fiendishly spray terms and concepts you have no understanding on/about.

Also a humble reminder that Guru said the word 师 teacher means [Someone that has learned and understood a subject, and subsequently shares his/her knowledge with others]. 

Respect Guru means that you also respect all that you learn from!

If you learn concepts and cultivation methods from reading Pure Karma's articles and materials from our blog/blogspot; do not criticize or slander us, as you will be hitting at those that gives you Wisdom Life! 

Hahaha! Don’t bite the hand that feeds your Wisdom Life!

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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