
Monday, January 7, 2013

Yellow Jambala 黄财神 – One is Not Enough?

  Yellow Jambala  黄财神

Terjemahan Indonesia: Jambhala Kuning – Apakah Satu Tak Cukup?

I met a friend looking at a statue of a 9-inch Yellow Jambala.
Her friend from oversea asked her to purchase one on his behalf.

She showed me the WhatsApp message with a Yellow Jambala.
She said this friend has this one, and his teacher told him to get another.

After calling long distance to confirm, the friend told her to buy the Yellow Jambala statue.

I remember another who was also advised to buy the Yellow Jambala to place in his factory's altar. He went to jail for some illegal activities, and it was his first offense too!

I asked him why he installed Yellow Jambala in his altar and he said the Teacher from a certain temple in Lavender area told him to do so. 

His business partner also paid lots of money to this temple, as they told her she has high karmic negatives and she has offended Dragon King and must do certain ceremonies to apologize.

Their business didn't do well despite all these!

Let me explain the major requirement of offering to and making request fromYellow Jambala. 

Quoting from Wikipedia – Vaisravana:

© Drepung Loseling Monastery, Inc.

{Also known as Vaiśravaṇa (Sanskrit वैश्रवण) or Vessavaṇa (Pāli वेस्सवण) also known as Namtösé in Tibet and Bishamonten in Japan is the name of the chief of the Four Heavenly Kings and an important figure in Buddhist mythology.}

Quoting from Wikipedia – Four Heavenly Kings:

Buddha and four guardian kings of cardinal directions
bas relief in Royal Bhutanese Monastery Bodhgaya, Bihar, India

{In the Buddhist faith, the Four Heavenly Kings are four gods, each of whom watches over one cardinal direction of the world. In Chinese they are known collectively as the "Fēng Tiáo Yǔ Shùn" (風調雨順 / 风调雨顺? lit. "Good Climate").

Also known as 多闻天王 [he who hears everything], the Northern Heavenly King!}

Please refer to the detailed version of the Four Heavenly Kings from this blog/blogspot. :)

Unlike most Fortune Gods or Deities, Yellow Jambala supports or endorsed Buddha Dharma & its propagation. 
I shared previously that Yellow Jambala would not grant your wish to make you wealthy unless you make a wish to use most of the wealth given to do charity and propagate Buddha Dharma.
Please be discerning of what some teachers or Gurus chose to feed you! 

One statue of Yellow Jambala is One too Many if your intentions do not coincide with his pledge to support Buddha Dharma and Charity. 

Hahaha! You need Bodhicitta!!!

:) :) :) 

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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