
Sunday, January 6, 2013

Lotuschef on Buddha Dharma's Essence

These are photos taken during fire puja cultivation sessions.

Also refer to Guru's speech on 29-12-2012 & 5-1-2013.

Guru talked about Empowerment from Guru Rinpoche in this life and other lifetimes, mostly through Astral channels.

Guru said when you cultivate diligently and sincerely, you are always by my side, whereas those that are physically by my sides and don't cultivate properly, they are in actual fact very far away from me. :)

When you realized that the Essence is diligent & sincere cultivation of what Guru taught and is still teaching, No Matter where you are, Guru is always with you!

This is for those that likes to chase Guru around and neglect their cultivation or chasing limelight of being members of CORE or whatever. Hahaha!
You think to have others Envy you?
Actually, you created some negatives that cause others to be unhappy only.
They are jealousies and feelings of inferiority which made those that think like you very Unhappy!

Please take a few minutes to reflect True-heartedly whether you are truly cultivating as Guru taught?
Refer to Qualities or Characteristics of a True Yogi from Guru's book: Sword of the Yogi, frequently please.

Guru also shared what is a True Yogi on 5-1-2013. Picked that up?

During fire puja, when we do offering, we sent the offering upwards and when chant respective mantra, the blessing from respective Yidams filled us.

Do you know these are very like Abhiseka given by the Yidams? :)

Do you think only when you pass under the Empowerment Trasmission Banners then you get Abhiseka? :)

If you think so, you really didn't understand the True Essence of Buddha Dharma and Tantrayana!

Even watching Guru through a Display Monitor, you can get the Abhiseka if you can "Astrally" Project or Immerse yourself into the proceedings!

Like Guru Rinpoche, Guru also can give anyone Abhiseka & Blessing through Universal Energy Transfer, agree? :)

Hahaha! Gave you Food for Thoughts?

Enjoy! :)

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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